Learning from the Prodigal Son
Tonight I want us to learn from the Prodigal son, who after coming back to his senses, he decided to go back to his father and apologise...
Woman of God
Today God gave me a special message for women. All women in the church and those that will read this message, you are blessed, because...
The Love of God in Us
God has demonstrated His love for us by giving His ONLY Son, so that we can be saved. This shows that giving is a means of showing love....
Give with Honesty
The Bible tells us about the dishonest manager in Luke 16, from verse 10 to 15, the Bible teaches us to be honest with the little that we...
Spiritual Warfare
Today I want to teach you how to fight spiritually. Most of you are being defeated because you fighting spiritual battles in the flesh....
Store up in Heaven
In Luke 12:13 to 21, we see Jesus speaking to the rich man. Jesus warns this man to watch out and be on his guard against all kinds of...
Disconnect yourself from every familiar spirit
In Leviticus 19:31, the Bible says “ Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am...
Call unto God
Do you understand the purpose and power of prophecy? As a child of God, you need to know why you need prophecy. Prophecy is there to...
Intensify your prayer
The months of June & July, are the months where Christians should intensify their prayers despite the fact that it’s cold. Your body...
Words of Encouragement
In Exodus chapter1 we read about how Pharaoh started oppressing the children of Israel all because they were blessed and numerous. The...