Call unto God
Do you understand the purpose and power of prophecy? As a child of God, you need to know why you need prophecy. Prophecy is there to reveal things that you don’t know, that is secret things. why do you need to know secret things? The Bible says “ secret things belong to the Lord our God, but revealed things belong to us and our children forever”( Deut 29:29).
The main aim of the devil is to make sure that you do not get these revealed things. Because he knows that once you become aware of the revealed things, then you will know who you are. When you know who you are, you will defeat him. There is no way that you can defeat the devil if you don’t know who you are. When you know who you are, you also become aware of the power you possess.
In Jeremiah 33:3, God speaks to you and me, He says “ CALL TO ME, and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”. God is the one who reveals your identity, God is the Revealer of all secrets, but you have a role to play, you need to call unto Him. If you do not call unto God, you will not know who you are. God cannot reveal to you His secrets if you do not call unto Him.
The moment you know who you are, you become a threat to the devil and his operations, this is why he tries so many tricks to keep you from the presence of God. He will inflict pain on you so that you can curse God, he will give you reasons so that you don’t go to church, all because he has a plan, he wants you to be far from God. He knows that the moment you come to the presence of God, you will be able to call unto God.
But I’m here to deliver a message from God to you. God wants to tell you great and unsearchable things, God wants to show you the secrets of Heaven, all you need to do is call unto Him. Most of us are suffering because we don’t call unto God, we don’t pray, we don’t read the Word. You need the Word as much as you need prayer. Because the only way to call unto God is through His Word.
When you call unto God, don’t be led by emotions, but be led by the Word of God. Some of us are not getting answers to our prayers because our prayers are led by emotions rather than the Word of God. But listen to what God says to Joshua, He says “ Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips, meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”( Joshua 1:8).
Many people are looking for ways to be successful, many are reading motivational books to inspire themselves, but they neglect the foundation of success. There is no way that you can be successful and prosperous if you don’t have the Word. This is why you see men of God living luxurious lives, because they have the Word, and they use the Word to call unto God.
My prayer this evening is that you must understand that you desperately need the Word, and when you have the Word, you must use it to bring your own deliverance, your success and your prosperity. You use the Word of God by prayer. Prayer is calling unto God. Take time to spend in the Word and prayer and you will succeed in everything that you do.
To God be all the Glory.