MEDIA Ministry
If you're looking for an exciting ministry to share your gifts, please consider our Media Ministry.
The purpose of the Media Ministry here at LCMN is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually driven, ever-changing world through the use of technology, and to equip other ministries of the church in the use of technology as a worship and outreach tool. Those who choose to serve in this ministry can find great fulfillment in being part of a team whose members love the Lord and have a great time serving Him.
There are many opportunities for you in the Media Ministry, all of which are open for you to experience. Don’t let any “technical” lingo scare you, we are here to help you learn. It’s "ok" if you don’t have experience. As long as you have the desire, we'll teach you what you need to know. The Media Ministry is a behind-the-scenes type of ministry making it easy sometimes to forget that it even exists. But if the Media Ministry volunteers all stayed home, even for one weekend, people would instantly understand what a vital role this Ministry has in all aspects of communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Do you have a natural gift for computers, electronics, sound, lighting or video? Do you have a desire to learn about worship technology or simply a desire to serve the body of Christ through media communications? There’s no previous experience required. All we ask is that you possess a sincere desire and commitment to use the talents you already have to provide people with multimedia experiences that will help enrich their relationship with Jesus. We have two focus areas:
Media - Worship
The Media-Worship area involves utilizing technology that enhances the worship experience. Our Church is equipped with sound, visual, and recording capabilities. This is a young ministry with loads of opportunities to serve Christ.
Media - Technology
The Media-Technology area involves maintaining our website, computers, telephones, and the social media areas used in ministry. This is also a young ministry with loads of opportunities to serve Christ.
For more information, please click here