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There is a Seed of Greatness in You

Many of you have the seed of greatness embedded in you by God Almighty. For that seed to grow, you need to be associated with the right people. When you associate with the right people who have got the greatness that you desire, it is easy for your seed to develop and mature to the same greatness. But if you become mixed up with the wrong people with negative influences on your life, the seed of greatness in you will not grow. It is bound to die before it can even achieve its purpose. Look at the life of David.

He was called for greatness from his childhood. His seed of greatness began to develop even when he was unknown. He was living a secluded life of tendering for his father’s flock of sheep. He was living a life as a ruddy shepherd boy, always forgotten, but there was a seed of greatness in him. He was chosen by God to be the next king of Israel.

For him to be able to bear that seed of greatness he had to be associated with the right person - and that someone was Prophet Samuel. The Bible says David was anointed as king of Israel by Prophet Samuel, but it was not easy for him to ascend to the throne of kingship.

King Saul, whom God had rejected as the king of Israel due to his disobedience, was persecuting him and wanted to kill him. But David eventually achieved the greatness that God has bestowed upon him, and this was possible because of the people he associated with.

He associated with king Saul’s eldest son, Jonathan. Like his father, Jonathan was a man of great strength and swiftness (2 Samuel 1:23). David and Jonathan’s relationship was one of the most notable biblical relationships, and it is because of this relationship David ascended to the palace.

He learned the royal mannerisms and customs even before he could become a king. This was made possible by the association he kept with Jonathan. Because of Jonathan, David’s seed of greatness was developed and perfected.

God ensured that before he could become a King. He learned about kinship – and the person who facilitated that was Jonathan. It is also the case with those who have the seed of greatness in them. You need to have some mentors or people who will be able to train you towards your destiny.

Even myself as a Prophet of God, I had to be trained by those who are already walking in their calling. It is a desire for God to have those who have greatness in them to be trained and mentored by those who are already established in their calling. When you are a man of God, you need to associate with other men of God.

In as much as God saw greatness in David and anointed him while he was still a child, he had to wait for a perfect time of God, and he had to be trained while in waiting. However, it is not the case with many Christians today.

People who are carrying the seed of greatness in themselves no longer want to go for training and mentorship and they don’t want to wait on God. They end up making costly mistakes to themselves or even to the Kingdom of God. Yes, you might have the anointing of God but you need to be trained to discover your greatness.

The seed of greatness needs guidance. It must be guided by those who have already borne its fruits. The seed of greatness in you should also attract those who are at the senior level. It should be able to attract them and they should be able to discern the seed of greatness in you.

People today are suffering because their greatness never manifested. When it was time for them to be trained, they took matters into their own hands and they failed. Some started Ministries which later turned out to be the disastrous.

When you are a child of God, you need to be trained. God will appoint someone who is already established to train you. The training of God is usually tough and is not for the faint hearted. Therefore, if you are called for greatness, you should be ready to endure. Greatness does not just come easy.

No matter how difficult it might be, you need to make use of the seed that God has given you. Do not try to be something that God has not called you to be. Establish the seed that God has imparted in you and get it nourished by those with experience.

Do not try to be something God has not called you to be. Another important fact is that, God cannot entrust you with something you cannot do. If you do not like people or you cannot keep a secret, God cannot entrust you with other people and their secrets.

Those with seed of greatness should also wait for God’s perfect time. They should not be in a hurry or envious to those who are already functioning in their callings.

1 Samuel 16:13 says “Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah”

The Bible says that Samuel anointed David in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of God came over him. He was anointed in the presence of the same brothers who later discouraged him during the battlefield when they were facing Goliath. When you have greatness in you, the Holy Spirit must dwell in you. He must be able to bring the seed of greatness in you to perfection.

Isaiah 61:7 says “They were terribly insulted and horribly mistreated; now they will be greatly blessed and joyful forever”. This verse refers to the path of suffering one has to walk in for the seed of greatness to become manifest. One has to endure insults and rejection in this path to greatness.

Even myself as a Prophet of God, had to endure the persecutions and the insults towards my destiny because of the seed of greatness I am carrying. But the Bible says after those persecutions and insults, there shall follow blessings and joy.

The persecutions will always be there to disturb the greatness in you from being manifested. Even in the Bible, all men of God were not from great families and they were literally not important in their communities. From nothing [the big names such as Abraham, Joseph, Gideon, Peter, and even Jesus] became prominent because of the greatness they carry. Even yourselves, look from where you are coming from in your families.

Some of you come from abject poverty, and some come from the background of worshipping ancestral spirits, but look where you are now. You are now saved and you live as born again Christians, and that is because of the greatness in you.

There is greatness in you that need to be discovered. And you are the only person to discover it. When greatness is manifested in your life, there is something you are going to lose. You cannot achieve greatness and still be the person you were before you discovered your greatness.

The Bible in John 12:24 says “unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed; but if dies, it bears much fruit”. The seed of greatness comes with integrity, and therefore you should be prepared to loose worthless things.

You also need to get rid of low self-esteem when you have discovered the seed of greatness in you. In 1Samuel 18:18, we see David displaying a sense of low self-esteem even though he knew the greatness in him. David answered, “How could I possibly marry your daughter? I’m not very important, and neither is my family.”

These were the words of David. Although he knew that he was the prospective King of the Israelites, he had low self-esteem. This should not be the case. When there is a seed of greatness in you, there should be boldness.

In Genesis 39: 1-12, we noticed that Joseph ended up in Potiphar’s house. We do not get to hear about other slaves that were with Joseph. Why is that? Because there was greatness in Joseph and slavery was a means to bring that greatness to come to pass.

That is why he ended up being a servant in a rich man’s house. Joseph was destined to be with the right people who will prepare him for his greatness. While in Potiphar’s house, Joseph was moulded and trained for greatness.

Although he lived in a rich and comfortable environment, he endured suffering because of false accusations which landed him in prison, and it was possible that he was subjected to ill-treatment in prison. However, Joseph endured all of those sufferings.

The seed of greatness which was in him, enabled him to withstand the sufferings. Before he could achieve what God had in store for him, Joseph learnt to absorb the pressure. He was treated very badly but he withstood the pressure. At the end he became the governor of the land of Israel.

You are carrying the seed of greatness in you. For it to grow and to achieve its purpose, you need to associate yourself with people who have produced its fruits. You need people who can help you to manifest greatness in you.

These people should be those who have walked the road that you currently in. Just like David was meant for greatness, he associated himself with Jonathan who helped him to learn more about the fruits of his greatness. You also need a Jonathan in your life, You need someone to train and prepare you for the seed of greatness placed by God in you.

Glory be to God.

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