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2017 Year  Of Good Rain

Where Theres Water Theres a Dream




Changing Ministry of the Nation (LCMN) is a church of our Lord Jesus Christ, founded by Senior Prophet Rodney together with hi wife Prophetess Tebogo Sehlwane under the unction of the Holy Spirit. The LCMN church is a Prophetic Ministry, called and raised to utter the deep things of God, for the conviction of sin, for edification and comfort.


The main goal of the church is to teach and preach the Word of God with power, so as to change the lives of the people of Pretoria, Gauteng and all nations, for the salvation of their souls. When the preaching and teaching begins to change lives, actions of faith are also taken to further demonstrate the power of God that changes lives.


LCMN depends and relies on the guidance of the Holy Spirit in conducting of the worship service and outreach programs. Nothing happens in this church without the direction of the Spirit of the Living God, for we are a generation that is determined to worship God in the truth and spirit. The Word of God is the standard of our lives, as we are fully convinced that God does nothing without His Word.


The Church also moves in the ministration of Healing and Deliverance, to plunder hell and populate Heaven, not by might, but by the Spirit of God.


We also believe that Jesus Christ the Life Giver, is also the Life Changer, without Him no single life can be changed, and every time the life of a person is changed, we ascribe all the Glory to Him and to God the Father. People from all walks of life are welcome to fellowship with us and to have an encounter with Jesus Christ, who is the solution to all fundamental issues of life.


What we know and are sure of, is that anyone who sets their foot in the church, will have an encounter with Jesus Christ and their life will never be the same again.



We are a living Church of Christ that is committed to wholeheartedly preaching, teaching the true Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all of humanity and all nations by His Word with the Power that the Holy Spirit has deposited in us and that actually fosters the spirit of obedience to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour amongst its membership and salvation to the lost.



We are Living Church of the Living Almighty God, guided at all times by the Holy Spirit of the Sovereign God fellowship of Christian believers for all nations under the name of the Life Changing Ministry of the Nation Church (hereinafter referred to as the Church) for the purpose of Christian worship, fellowship and education, assisting the needy spiritually and materially to the extent to which the Almighty Sovereign Lord has enabled us as well as sharing the message of the Word of God as contained in the Holy Bible, including the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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