Your good works will defend you
In Revelation 2:1, the bible says “This is what you must write to the angel of the church in Ephesus: I am the one who holds seven stars in my right hand, and I walk among the seven gold lampstands. Listen to what I have to say. I know everything you have done, including your hard work and how you have endured. I know you won’t put up with anyone who is evil. When some people pretended to be Apostles, you tested them and found out they were liars”
In this Scripture God is speaking to each and every one who has been doing good and who continues to do good. God is saying He knows all your works. Sometimes you may feel that your hard work has come to nothing but the Bible is telling us that God has a record for all our hard works and they will never be in vain.
Many have experienced hardship for sake of the Lord, they have suffered and have endured. Jesus is assuring us that He knows our suffering, and He knows what you have done, and He also knows your good works. God is saying to us that when you keep on doing good works, and doing those good works with a good heart, those good works will defend you in the time when you cannot defend yourself.
Although the devil may do everything to disqualify and persecute you, your good works will speak for you. Your good works will advocate for you. I want to encourage you my children that if people turn against you, and fight you and they persecute you for something you don’t know, do not fight back. You should rather go to God in prayer and ask Him to fight for you.
Some of you are being persecuted by people whom you have done good to, you must continue to do good to them. Do not begin to backslide and seek help from the world, but rather seek God with all your heart. Jesus says “I know your good works, and you will be victorious over those people who are fighting you because of your goodness”.
The Bible says “When some people pretended to be Apostles, you tested them and found out they were liars” This is happening these days in churches where people come to church to fellowship but encounter the ‘false apostles’. Even though your life was good at home but once you step inside a church you start to experience events which eventually destroys you. However, God is assuring you when your heart is pure and firm in Him, He will defend you.
Many of you are suffering because of your good works. People are speaking bad things about you behind your back, and criticise the good things that you do. Some of them don’t even know you, but they speak about you. Be careful about the ‘sharks’ in the church. Churches today have betrayers and gossipers, which are steadfast in destroying others. Be careful of the ‘Judases’ here in the church. However, you must not give up when you experience such challenges.
The Bible further says in verse 4: “But I do have something against you! And it is this: You don’t have as much love as you used to”. You find people today coming to church but their hearts are not here for church, but they came to cause confusion in the church. Do not let anyone to negatively influence you here in church but rather continue doing the good works of love.
Remember what happened when Lucifer was cast out from heaven because of being rebellious against God. He became the devil and went to influence a third of the angels of God, and they were also cast out. This is still happening today in churches. People allow themselves to be influenced by wicked [people with wicked motives.
I am encouraging you today, stop listening and entertaining the demons. Most of you are suffering because of that. You listen to people who are already defeated. This is why most people backslide today. It is because of listening to people. My children, be on guard against people who will come to deceive you.
In all of these challenges, you must still allow God to fight for you. Exodus 14:14 says “The Lord will fight for you, and you won’t have to do anything”. Most of you are doing the good works, but when it is time to receive your rewards, the devil will come with accusations. In 2 Chronicles 20:17 the Bible says “You won’t even have to fight. Just take you’re your positions and watch the Lord rescue you from your enemy. Don’t be afraid. Just do as you’re told. And as you march out tomorrow, the Lord will be there with you”. God says you should stand firm and know your position. Even amidst the gossips, slander, malice, backstabbing – stand firm in God, and allow Him to fight for you.
Galatians 6: 9-10 says “Don’t get tired of helping others. You will be rewarded when the time is right, if you don’t give up. We should help people whenever we can, especially if they are followers of the Lord”. Let us continue to help one another, whenever you can but don’t let people take advantage of you. Don’t allow demons to use your blessings against you.
2 Thessalonians 3:13 says “Dear friends, you must never become tired of doing right”. Continue to do good no matter your persecutions. Your good works will advocate for you. Jesus is watching over you. Do not get weary, your good works will defend you. Maybe you have done a good work towards someone who later turned against you. This should not prevent you from doing the good works.
Some of you were in relationships and marriages which brought you pain and hurt. You are afraid to get married again, because you were hurt because of the good works of your heart. But I want to tell you today: As long as God is by your side, you are the winner. God will always fight for you, and He will always be by your side.
Remember, do not give your ear to the demons. When people turn against you, even your family, continue to do good. Revelation 2:11 says “If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches…”. I pray that you will continue to do good, no matter the challenges and persecutions.
May God bless His Word.