God will create a tunnel through your mountain
This Ministry, LCMN, is a Ministry of Change. When you are part of this Ministry, your life will be changed to a point where you never thought you would be. You will find yourself unable to believe your eyes. You will look at how God has blessed you and wonder if you are dreaming or not.
Many Christians are facing different kinds of mountains. For some its mountains of debt, some its mountain of sickness and disease. You have done everything in your power, for that mountain to move. I mean you have prayed, you have fasted. But the mountain refuses to move. Well I have a message for you today.
The God who makes a way where there is no way, is making a tunnel through that mountain. You will pass through that tunnel, and get to your breakthrough. When you get to your breakthrough, those who have been fighting you, I mean those who have been setting mountains before you, will ask “O FITILE BJANG” meaning, how did you pass through the mountain that they have set before you.
If you are facing a mountain in life, speak to that mountain and say “you mountain, stay there, I’m passing through the tunnel”. Yes you will pass through the tunnel. I tell you, some mountains don’t need you to pray, they need you to pass them through the tunnel that God is creating for you.
When Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane, and He prayed, “ My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me ”(Matthew 26:39). Why did He say this, because He saw the mountain of death standing before Him, and He knew that the mountain will not move. But God made a tunnel for Him, and He passed through the tunnel, and rose from the dead in 3 days.
When God makes a tunnel for you, you will pass through the tunnel the way that Elijah ran to Jezreel. The Bible says in 1 Kings 18: 46, that The Hand of the Lord came upon Elijah and he wrapped his coat around himself, and outran Ahab to Jezreel. So Elijah was running on foot and Ahab was on a chariot, but Elijah faster than Ahab and his chariots.
There are certain situation that are beyond you as a human being, but do not limit God. See yourself running like Elijah when you pass through the tunnel. See yourself running faster than all your enemies.
Your life is not only about salvation, but God wants to change everything about your life, He wants to change the way you live, the way you walk, the ways you dress, the way you eat and everything else about your life. So that you can enjoy your salvation.
This is why I always tell you not to pray for your enemies to die, but rather pray for God to bless you. When God blesses you, you will see all the witches that have been fighting you manifest. When God gives you one car, and they destroy it, pray that He gives you more cars, and you will see the witches asking you “ ofitile bjang”. Meaning, how did you pass that mountain of limitation?
May God bless you pass through your tunnel.