Faith is an Action
When you are really in need of something, you have to take action in order to achieve that which you want. That same action will demonstrate your faith. You should learn to let your faith be represented by an action. This is backed by the Bible in James 2:17 when it says “Faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead”.
Faith is an action. If you really want the blessings from God, you must act like a blessed person. When you look at Abraham and Sarah, they were promised a child by God. Although Abraham’s body was old [same as Sarah’s] and there were no prospects of them having a child, Abraham took an action which later fulfilled his faith. Both Abraham and Sarah took the necessary action for the promise of God to be fulfilled.
It is also necessary for you to also bear such faith, which requires an action. If you want to be a businessman, you must learn to dress and behave like a business person. You do not just declare that your God will make a way, where there’s no way while you are not taking any action. You need to go and register a company and also fulfil all of the necessary processes in order to make your company legitimate. Faith is an action. If you want blessings, you must have faith and act. You must learn to take action in proportion to your faith.
Some of you are not receiving from God, and the cause of this is yourself, and no one else. You don't receive because you don't add action to your faith.
Romans 5:1 says “by faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God. Christ has also introduced us to God’s undeserved kindness on which we take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God”. The Bible says that through our faith, we have been made acceptable to God. By faith, through Jesus Christ, we belong to God. We know for sure that we have been forgiven of our sins through the blood which flowed at the cross at Calvary. We have also been afforded an undeserved favour because of faith.
Faith brings things to action, and likewise an action makes faith to achieve what it wants.
When you want a blessing, live like the one who is blessed even before the blessing reaches you. Your outward appearance must be able to attract the blessings of God. Faith is a heavenly key for the blessings from above in our lives. Faith is an action. Our walk and belief in Christ Jesus is perfected by our faith.
Judges 16: 29-30 says: Samson was standing between the two middle columns that held up the roof. He felt around and found one column with his right hand, and the other with his left hand. Then he shouted, “Let me die with the Philistines!” He pushed against the columns as hard as he could, and the temple collapsed with the Philistine rulers and everyone else still inside. Samson killed more Philistines when he died than he had killed during his entire life.
Samson was captured by the Philistines and his eyes were gouged out. He however killed more Philistines than before when he brought down the pillars of the temple. Samson did not have eyes and could not see but he put his faith into action, and it resulted in him being victorious by killing all the rulers of Philistines and everyone who was inside that temple. That is why when we pray and commanding out the adversaries, by faith we are sure that we are destroying the strongholds of the demons. By speaking the words with power and authority, you are putting your faith into action. And everything that you decree shall indeed come to pass. You can destroy all the demonic strongholds in your life by taking an action of prayer, through faith.
Hebrews 11: 1 says “Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see”. I would like to ask you, what is your hope? You want to get married or you want to become a businessman, but in you do not resemble whatever that you hope for, you will never achieve it. Faith is surety to achieve whatever your heart desires.
Sometimes you might find that your faith is good, but it does not correlate with your actions. If your actions are wrong, your faith would be of no significance. Therefore, it is important that your faith should bring about an action which would eventually result in your testimony. In order for your faith to be activated, you need to have proper action. Your faith must go according to your action.
If you are looking for employment, do not be lazy. Work on your CV and make sure that you look for job opportunities. Take an action and apply your faith. I am telling you God will remember you. You need to go out and meet people. If you don’t go out, how are you going to meet with your Ananias? Take action, and apply your faith. God will bless you abundantly.
May God bless His Word