Store up in Heaven
In Luke 12:13 to 21, we see Jesus speaking to the rich man. Jesus warns this man to watch out and be on his guard against all kinds of greed, and adds “life does not consist in abundance of possessions”. The same warning goes for all of us that like to store up the things of this world, Jesus is speaking to us and warning us in advance, when He comes back, He will not be asking how much you have saved up for yourself or how much you have accumulated, He will want to know about your good deeds.
We must not misunderstand Jesus, He is not say it’s wrong to be rich, but He says “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God” (verse 21). Meaning that our wealth must be focused on the extension of the Kingdom of God. If you are rich and you use your wealth to finance the work of God or to help the needy, then you are not accumulating things for yourself only, but you are becoming RICH TOWARDS GOD as well.
If you accumulate all the things of this world for yourself like the rich fool, it will not help you much when your life is demanded from you. But if you are a giver and you share your belongings with the needy, although your earthly possession will not help you much, but your good deeds of giving selflessly will speak for you in Heaven.
When you give, give with love and out of a pure heart. Do not give so that you can get something in return. Do not give in order to be noticed and appreciated. When you give, just give and know that God is watching, whether people notice your giving or not, God is watching. Take the example of Jesus Christ, He gave up His life for the sins of all men, but the very same people killed Him and crucified Him. He did not begin to count what He had done for them, but He prayed “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”.
Your giving must be focused on God, it must not be about yourself. This is why Jesus says in Matthew 16:24 to 26, that whoever wants to follow Him, must deny themselves. This means that if you want to follow Christ, you must not be selfish. This is why Jesus says “what good will it help a man to gain the whole world and loose Himself?
Children of God, today as you give, give with the understanding that you are storing up riches for yourself in Heaven, where there is no moth to destroy, where there is no thief to steal. Store up more riches in heaven by doing good to others, helping others and giving to the needy, by being a solution to the lives of others.
To God be the Glory.