What are your limitations?
I have come to realise that many of you are facing different kinds of limitations in your lives. For some of you, your limitation is sickness and disease, while some are being limited by poverty or spiritual attacks. Some of you are not facing financial limitations, but you are limited by evil spirits like, spirit of lust, and other spirits which cause you to do things which are not according to the Word of God.
There are many different kinds of limitations among the children of God. This is why im asking you today, What is your limitation?
In Deuteronomy 30: 15 -19 “Today I am giving you a choice. You can choose life and success or death and disaster. I am commanding you to be loyal to the Lord, to live the way He has told you, and to obey His laws and teachings. You are about to cross the Jordan River and take the land that he is giving you. If you obey Him, you will live and become successful and powerful. On the other hand, you might choose to disobey the Lord and reject Him. So I’m warning you that if you bow down and worship other “gods”, you won’t have long to live. Right now I call the sky and the earth to be witnesses that I am offering you this choice. Will you choose for the Lord to make you prosperous and give you a long life? Or will He put you under a curse and kill you? Choose life!”
The Bible teaches us that we as children of God, we have a choice in our lives. We have a choice to choose prosperity. Just like Abraham chose to obey God when He called him out of his own people and family, we also need to make some decisions or choices in our lives. Abraham chose God, and therefore he was blessed. He became very prosperous. Just like Abraham chose life which led to prosperity, we also need to choose life so that you can have prosperity.
Some of you say that you have chosen life but there is no prosperity . Why is there no prosperity in your life if you have chosen life? And if you have chosen life, why is it so difficult to receive your healing? Why is it difficult for you to forgive? When you have Jesus, it means you have chosen life. Therefore, your life should be prosperous, it should be fulfilled and blessed.
Just like the woman with the issue of blood, she tried everything in her power to make her situation better. She consulted many physicians but still could not get help. The Bible says after she had tried everything and still could not get help, she made a decision to run to Jesus. She made a decision to choose life, and she chose the owner of life Himself – She chose Jesus. After making a decision, she took action and went to Jesus. She touched the garment of Jesus and the problem that she had for many years ceased immediately. The flow of blood stopped.
When you choose life, it is not always easy. You need be patient and persevere in order to see your prosperity. When you have chosen life, you will still experience challenges and storms, but throughout your storm, you need to be patient and be able to trust in God. Throughout the Bible, we learn of many men of God who chose life during their trials and tribulations. These men chose life but were still subjected to pain and suffering.
Like the three Hebrew men (Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego), chose life but they had to go the fire before they could see their destiny and prosperity. Even during the fire which was strengthened seven times more, the three men never backed down but continued to choose life. Same with us, Christians today. We have chosen life in Jesus but we still experience sickness, we are still unemployed.
I want to encouraging you to continue in the path of the life you have chosen. Sometimes we are suffering because we chose life, but do not let your sufferings to cause you to back down on the choice that you have made. People might be saying many things about you because you have chosen life, but do not give up on the choice that you have made. You have made the right choice. You have chosen to follow Jesus, and that is the best choice you have ever made in your life.
The Bible says if we have chosen life, we should not “bow down and worship other gods”. There are those who claim to have chosen life, but when the going gets tough they neglect the choice that they have made and they go and consult witch doctors and spirits. They still go and perform rituals given by the witchdoctors. But I want to rebuke that and tell you that if you have chosen life, remain close to God. When you have chosen life, you must obey every instruction. For a Christian to achieve an abundant life, she or he must be obedient. You must be obedient to God and His Word.
Yes, there are those people who have not chosen life in Jesus, they look like they are prosperous. But that is not true prosperity, because true prosperity is only found in Jesus Christ. You should not become desperate and decide to abandon your choice and follow them. Do you know by what means they were able to accumulate their wealth? You would be shocked at what some of these rich and prosperous people did to achieve their wealth. You as a child of God, stay in your choice. God says “Choose life” When you choose life, there will not be any limitation in your life.
In your choice of life, there will be temptations to lead you astray of the life you have chosen. The Bible says because you have chosen life, I will call heaven and earth to come and tempt you. Because you have chosen life in God, the devil will send people to come to you and tempt you with alcohol, women and other ungodly behaviour. Temptations will be there in your life, to establish whether you are strong in the choice that you have taken. When you choose life, temptations will be there, but stand firm and resist that temptation.
When you have chosen life, you will also encounter people mocking you and discouraging you in your walk of faith. They will remind you that you have no testimony, but you go to church every Sunday and you get prayed for every time. They will ask you when you will get your breakthrough. They will ask you all sorts of painful questions to try and discourage you and when you do not know who you are, you will backslide and you become like them.
But if you know who you are and what kind of choice you have made, you can rebuke them and know for sure that you are in a race which will end up in your crown. Just like Paul declared that “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness…” (2 Timothy 4:7). We should also declare that there is a crown in store for you. Some of you are still in the race and at the end of it you will receive your marriages, you will receive your blessings, you will receive your fruit of the womb. You must be able to declare and decree that “I choose life, and I know that there is prosperity in the life that you have chosen”.
Let me tell you: When God called Abraham, he was very old. His family and relatives were pagans who worshipped idols. Abraham was not married and had no children. It was not only him but many in his household also suffered the same limitation. However, God called him and gave him a new life. God promised to give him a child and many descendants. People were criticising him and mocking him, but Abraham kept the faith and continued in the choice of life Gad has given him. Today we know him as the father of many nations.
I am encouraging you children of God. Do not allow demons to deceive you. When you have chosen life, stick to it. No matter what life might throw at you, remain in the choice you have made.
I want to go back to my initial question to you, What is your limitation? Our limitations are the temptations around us. Some of you are living a life of a lie because you have allowed temptations. It is not that you have chosen to live that kind of life, but it because you have allowed temptations to destroy what God has given you. In order to overcome that limitation, you need to be faithful in everything you do. In your marriage, your job or your finances. Be faithful to your spouse, to your employer and in your finances.
In Matthew 19: 26 says: Jesus looked straight at them and said, “There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything. There are so many of you who have been failed by people. You have also passed through many limitations. But listen to what God is saying: “But God can do anything” God is able to give you a new life, even after temptations in your life. God can do anything for you. You want to get married, you want business, you want forgiveness, pray and ask God. He is able to do anything that we ask for us. God can do for us what the world cannot do.
Listen to Pauls says in Philippians 4: 13 says: “Christ gives me the strength to face anything” Choose life, and live in Christ, you will be able to achieve anything in your life. Choose life, choose prosperity. Be confident that even during the attacks of the enemy, you can do anything through Christ Jesus who gives you the strength. This is confirmed by the Book of Jeremiah 29:11, which says “I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering”.
I appeal to you children of God, choose life. This life is found only in Christ Jesus. Choose life, a life filled with hope and not of suffering. By choosing this kind of life, there will be an end to your limitation, no matter the kind of limitation.
Glory be to God