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Learning from the Prodigal Son

Tonight I want us to learn from the Prodigal son, who after coming back to his senses, he decided to go back to his father and apologise for his sins ( Luke 15: 11 to 31). We have also sinned from our father in many different ways. Some of us have forsaken our prayer time because its cold, some of us have been lazy, and some of us were too tired, but now let us come back to our senses and go back to our father.

Look what the father does when the son comes back, he welcomes him back, he clothed him with the best robe and celebrated his return with a feast. Our father is looking forward to our return, yes we have sinned, yes we have been sleeping while the devil was at work, we have forsaken our fellowship with the father, but tonight we are coming back to our senses and we are going back to the father.

We are now going to repent in prayer, and ask God to expose every sin that delays our breakthroughs. Every sin that holds us back in our progress. As God exposes our sins, He will also cleanse us and set us free from all sin. When we are pure and clean, every demon that is fighting us will be exposed, every enemy of our lives will be exposed. When we are pure and clean, our Heavenly father will also release His arch angel Michael to fight for us and release our break through from the prince of Persia (Daniel 10).

When God wanted to bless Abram, He said to him “Go from your country, your PEOPLE, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you (Genesis 12:1). God did this because He could not bless Abram while he was still with the wrong people. It’s like most of us here, God wants to separate us from bad relationships, bad friendships that delay and hinder our breakthroughs, but we in our carnal thoughts keep holding on to those relationships.

We are going to pray, and ask God to expose every relationship that is not good for our spiritual growth and delays our breakthroughs. Some of our breakthroughs are delayed by the company we keep. This is why the Bible says “bad company corrupts a good character”( 1 Corinthians 15:33). There is no way that you can grow spiritually if you are spending a lot of time with people that are carnal.

As we pray, God will expose all those bad relationships and we must then separate ourselves from them, in Jesus’ name.

In Philippians 4:6, the Bible tells us that we should not worry about anything, on the contrary, we should make our requests known to God by prayer and petition. We are going to make petitions to God, according to His Word, we will write down 3 things, that we need from God, these are the things that we expect from Him after our 21 days prayer and fasting.

I’m telling you as a Prophetess of God, that we will surely have those things that we petition God for. As we pray tonight, we make our requests known to god, when we get home, we write them down, and keep praying about them. Remember to pray with thanks giving, because a petition cannot go without thanks giving.

Be blessed as you receive your blessings in Jesus name.

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