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Intensify your prayer

The months of June & July, are the months where Christians should intensify their prayers despite the fact that it’s cold. Your body might tell you that you are tired and you need to be in your blankets trough out the night, but I want to encourage you to get out of bed and pray, you will see that God answers prayers.

In Luke 7 we read about the Centurion, whose servant was sick, and because he liked the servant very much, he sent some Jewish leaders to ask Jesus to come and heal his servant. When the leaders got to Jesus, the Bible says “they BEGGED Him to do something” and even reminded HIM that the Centurion is the one who build them a temple. In verse 6 & 7 we read that as Jesus was going to the Centurion’s house, the Centurion sent his servants to tell Jesus not to come to his house. He said “Lord, I’m not worthy to have you in my house, but JUST SAY THE WORD & MY SERVANT WILL BE HEALED”.

Today we are going to pray a prayer that will release definite answers from God. Many of you have been saying “I pray and I fast but I’m seeing no results”. Today I want to teach you secrets of prayer, those that cause your answers to be released no matter what. After this prayer, you will have endless testimonies.

Look carefully to the actions of the Centurion, he does not go straight to Jesus, but he sent the Jewish leaders, he does not remind Jesus of his own works of building the temple, but the leaders remind Jesus, and they were “begging” for the sake of the Centurion. When Jesus heard about the works of the Centurion, He decided to go to him.

When you serve God with all of your heart, not expecting anything in return, but serving out of love and humility, your works will speak for you when you least expect them to. When the Centurion build the temple, he never thought his servant will be ill and never thought that he would need healing from Jesus. But his actions spoke for him in his hour of need, because the Jewish leaders begged Jesus to do something based on the works of the Centurion.

You also need to serve the Lord, in whatever way that you can. Serve Him with all your heart, so that your good deeds can later speak for you. When Jesus approached the house of the Centurion, the Centurion demonstrates even a deeper level of faith. Because he had the revelation of the power of the Word. He says to Jesus JUST SEND THE WORD.

I’m here to tell you that you need the WORD. Some of your situations or the demons that attack you don’t need your effort, but they need the WORD. Tonight we are just going to send the WORD. In that curse upon your life, you will send the WORD, in that job application which they have rejected you, you will send the WORD, in that house of yours where witches & wizards afflict you, just send the WORD.

Just as Jesus had the authority to send the WORD, you also have the same authority. God says in Jeremiah 1:19 “see I have put my Words in your mouth.” Again in Jeremiah 23: 28& 29, the Lord says “ but let the prophets that speak for me, say only what I command them, for MY WORDS ARE A POWERFUL FIRE, THEY ARE A HAMMER THAT SHATTERS ROCKS”. This is what God says about His Words. So when we send the Word to your situation, it will resolve your situation and you will testify.

The Word which we are going to send to our situations today is alive and active. It is sharper than any double edged sword. It penetrates to even dividing souls & spirit, joints & marrow, it judges the thoughts & attitudes of the heart( Heb 4:12). You need to understand that there is no greater weapon of warfare than the Word.

There is nothing that you want that this Word cannot get for you. There is no curse that this Word cannot break, if it is able to shatter rocks, what is your situation? You must just believe & be sure that this Word can do the impossible. Jesus says in Matthew 19:24a, it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

If you know how big a camel is, and understand the smallness of the eye of a needle, you will know & be sure that this Word, can bring a solution in impossible situation. What Jesus is trying to say here is that when you have the Word, even a huge burden, that is bigger than you, can have a solution. Your situation might be a camel, but it will go trough the eye of a needle when you believe in this Word.

We are going to stand and send the Word to every situation in our lives, it might be your marriage, it might be your dreams that have been facing attacks, it might be your career, it might be your finances, it might be your house, it might be your family, or any situation that has been troubling you. we are going to SEND THE WORD.


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