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Woman of God

Today God gave me a special message for women. All women in the church and those that will read this message, you are blessed, because God has remembered you. I asked God why specifically women, and He said to me, “the role of women of faith has been misunderstood, many say that the woman led the man to sin in Genesis 3, which is true, but many do not realise that women stood out in acknowledging me as God.”

I then thought of the Shunamite woman, in 2 Kings 4:8 she is the one that saw God in Elijah, and told her husband that “I perceive that this is a man of God”. She is the one that initiated the giving towards the man of God and went out of her way to make sure a room is built for the Man of God in her house. I then saw what God meant when he said women are the ones to 1st acknowledge God trough out the Bible. Even Jesus when He 1st started His ministry, He was supported by women.

Women play an important role in our Christian life, and God honours the prayer of a woman. This is why when Hanna prayed, God answered, when Esther prayed, God answered. God answered because women are persistent in prayer, and consistent in faith, and they are able to change the atmosphere around them through prayer. God created a woman to bring about change, even to change the man, and bring out the best in a man.

This is why when a man gets married, he changes, and becomes a better man. He becomes better in the sense that he starts to focus on his family. Before marriage, there is no focus, no direction, after marriage there is focus. This is why married men are blessed, you may find that the wife does not work, she has no qualification, but she is the source of blessings for a man. Even the Bible says that “he who finds a wife, finds a good, thing, and obtains favour from the Lord”. I’m not saying an unmarried man is not blessed, but he often lacks direction.

God created a woman to bring change trough prayer. A woman was not created to gossip or destroy, a woman was not created to slander or criticise, but to improve her family trough prayer. A woman builds her home trough prayer and wisdom. This is why if you can give a woman an amount of money, she will be able to get the essential basics to feed the family, but give a man the same amount, he will buy things that might not be essential.

So what am I saying this morning, I’m saying to every man, love your wife, because she was created by God for your benefit. It is very sad to see some men abusing women. If you abuse a woman, you are abusing the help that God created for you, as a result, you are abusing God Himself. Yes you are the head of the family, and yes she must submit to you, but you must love her, make sure that you love her beyond her weaknesses and you see beyond her imperfections.

Do not compare her to other women out there, do not compare her to the time before you got married, or before you had children. It is a well-known fact that women change after child birth. This does not mean women must not take care of themselves and must just claim that “my husband loves me the way I am”. As a woman, make an effort to look good. Looking good does not have to be expensive. When you look good, you reduce some of the temptations that might come to your husband. Husband, help your wife become the best to you. If there is something about her that you don’t like correct her with love, so that she can remain the best in your life.

In Proverbs 31 from verse 10, the Bible speaks of a wife of a noble character. The Bible says she is the most valuable treasure, a man can find. So women, make sure that you remain virtuous. Not only by outward looks, but also by character. Be good to your husband every day of your life, and not be like women of the world that deny their husbands of themselves. Let your husband depend of you and know that you will never let him down. Do not criticise your husband or discuss him with your friends. But build him with gentleness and submission.

Be the kind of woman that your husband can quote Proverbs 31:29 to you, and say “there are many women but you are the best”. Because indeed you are supposed to be the best to your own husband. Be like Esther, who did not think of herself only, but by her great faith and bold prayers, she changed the destiny of all Jews. Encourage the young children with love and faith, so that they can grow in the way of the lord.

Solve your issues of life with prayer, and don’t react to challenges with anger and violent outbursts as the women of the world do. Do not gossip and slander each other. Remember you are a Godly woman, and your character should be in line with Proverbs 31. When your character is in line with the Word of God, you reflect God’s Glory, and no one can stand against you.

God bless you as you remain in Him.

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