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The Spirit of Impatience

The spirit of impatience brings delay in most people. This spirit has even caused loss in the lives of many, because they could not wait on God. King Saul was removed from the throne as the king of Israel because of the spirit of impatience.

In 1Samuel 13, we read of king Saul’s unlawful sacrifice that he made to God because he could no longer wait for Prophet Samuel to arrive and do it for him. Israel was about to go to war with the Philistine army at Gilgal, and before they could go to war a sacrifice or a burnt offering had to be made to God.

The person who had the authority to do such a sacrifice was Prophet Samuel but he had not arrived at Gilgal. Out of impatience, King Saul made the offering himself. That was the greatest mistake he did which cost him his kinship over Israel. God rejected Saul as the King of Israel and this was because of his impatience. Most of you today also suffer from the same spirit of impatience. Because of this spirit, you end up getting yourselves in situations which are unpleasant. When you are a child of God, you need to have patience. You must learn not to act out of your own impulse, but you must rather wait on God.

Some of you have planted or have sown the seed, and you are now anxious and want to see the fruit. You become impatient and start to make irrational decisions. This also happens when I, as the Prophet of God have declared blessings over you and you do not immediately see the blessings manifesting, you start to run around to different churches seeking the blessings. That is caused by the spirit of impatience. Wait on God for your blessings. Wait for your seed to grow and produce its fruit. Do not rush or get impatient. It might sometimes take a while for the seed you have planted starts to grow and produce its desired fruits. Let us stop being impatient people of God. When you are being impatient, you cause a delay on your life.

Galatians 5:22, talks about the Fruits of the Spirit and one of these fruits is patience. This is what we lack as Christians. We need patience for the Holy Spirit to work in us. We need patience to wait for the unfolding of God’s plan in your life.

When God has laid a vision in your heart, you need to run with it patiently. However, if you have the spirit of impatience in you, you will not achieve it. There is a worldly cliché which says “good thing comes to those who wait”, but for us Christians it is difficult to wait.

Habakkuk 2: 1-3 says “At the time I have decided, my words will come true. You can trust what I say about the future. It may take a long time, but keep on waiting – it will happen!” God says He will bring His promises to come to pass at His appointed time. The Spirit of impatience is killing so many people today. Some people would even force things to happen in their lives by consulting the spiritualists and witches and wizards. The Bible says “trust what I say about the future. It may take a long time, but keep on waiting.”

When you are trusting God about your future, get rid of the spirit of impatience. When you are impatient, your vision would sometimes be unclear to you. You need to be patient when God is working in your life. Sometimes God would delay your blessings because you are surrounded by enemies whom you regard as your friends. Before God would bless you, He would to take some people out of your life and when this happens - you need to be patient.

Ask God to get rid of the spirit of impatience and learn to wait on Him. He has heard your prayers and is working on your answers. Do not take matters in your own hands, but rather wait patiently unto God.

Glory be to God.

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