The Love of God in Us
God has demonstrated His love for us by giving His ONLY Son, so that we can be saved. This shows that giving is a means of showing love. As children of God, we need to love each other. Our love must be sincere and not based on selfish motives. We should not choose who we love or love only those that are close to us. God did not choose whom He loved, but loved all.
In 1 John 3:10 the Bible instructs us to love each other as children of God. Our love must not be like that of Cain, who was filled with jealous and envy for his brother Abel. Cain envied Abel because Abel offered a better sacrifice to the Lord. As children of God, we must learn from one another but not envy each other. If God blesses your brother, celebrate with him and know that in God’s appointed time, He will also bless you with you.
The Bible also tells us that anyone who has a material blessing, and sees a brother or sister in need and does not help the brother or sister, cannot claim to love. If we say we love our brothers, we should be a solution unto them. We should have pity on one another. It’s very painful to see people in the world sharing with each other no matter how little they have, and yet us Christians, who claim to know God we cannot share with each other.
Right now Christians are focused on having an abundance for themselves to the point that they don’t even see the need of others. When they see someone in need all they say is “lets pray”. Some situations don’t need prayer, but they need an action of love. This is why after every all-night prayer we give out food parcels and clothes to the needy. I cannot say to a hungry person, lets pray.
When you love your brother, you understand their need and you want to be a solution to their life. You are blessed in order to be a blessing to someone else. Even the Bible says. Let us not love in word and speech, but with actions and truth(verse 18). When we love in truth, we do not judge and condemn our brothers even when they make mistakes. Jesus never condemned us for our mistakes, so why should we condemn others for their mistakes?
Today I want you to all take time and look deep in your heart and ask yourself, “do I have the love of God in my heart?” I mean the love that the Bible speaks about in 1 Corinthians 13. Look in your life and check, do you have patience? are you kind? Do you envy others? do you boast? Are you proud? This is called examining your life in the light of God’s Word. You will know that you don’t have love when your life is not in line with the way of love as found in this scripture.
Be honest with yourself and ask yourself the relevant questions that will help you to determine the love of God in you. The moment you dishonour any other person, you know that you do not have love. The moment you become self-seeking, everything you do is about yourself, you don’t have love. Whatever you do should be for the Glory of God. When you are easily angered, and when you keep a record of wrong, God’s love is not within you.
The moment you realise that you don’t have love, you repent of your ways and pray to God to teach you how to love. As a Man of God, I’m here because of the love I have for God, and for you as people of God. Most of you are not here because I can prophesy or deliver you, there are many other prophets outs there, but what makes me to stand out, is the Love of God inside me. Go and learn how to love, you will then see that love covers a multitude of sins.
When you have love, you don’t fight people, you don’t even fight your enemies, you fight the spirit behind their actions. When you have love you don’t judge others, but you let love judge. The love of God will fight for you. Most us suffer because we do not have love. But if we had love, some of these enemies that arise against us would not arise. It is very disappointing to find us as Christians, gossiping and slandering each other, but when we are with unbelievers we get along. Where is the Love of God in that?
Let us show our discipleship in Christ by demonstrating love.
To God be the Glory.