Spiritual Warfare
Today I want to teach you how to fight spiritually. Most of you are being defeated because you fighting spiritual battles in the flesh. The moment you fight in the flesh you begin to lose because the flesh is weak. In Isaiah 40:30 & 31, the Bible tells us that “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
I want to tell you about the life of an eagle. An eagle is one of the birds that can fly to the highest points, when an eagle fights, it will take the animal that its fighting to the sky, because it knows that that animal will lose power in the sky. In other words, we have to know that as children of God, our power is in the spirit, so we must take our battles and enemies to the spirit.
The Bible says that those who hope in the Lord, He will renew their strength. This shows that there are times in a spiritual warfare where you will feel tired and weary, that is when you need to put all your hope in the Lord. Look at the eagle again, when it gets tired and weak, it will go into hiding and takes away all its feathers and its beak. When it comes out of hiding, it will be stronger and fly higher.
Children of God don’t go into hiding, but they go on a retreat. They close the door behind them, get into the secret place with God, pray and fast, then they become renewed. At that time you will depend entirely on God and His Mighty Power. God will renew your strength and take away all your weakness, when you come out you will be filled with power.
When you go to battle, you do not go in your ordinary clothes, but you make sure that you are appropriately dressed. In Ephesians 6:10 to 20, Paul speaks about the Armour of God, or the uniform of warfare. We need the Armour because we are not fighting flesh and blood. If we are dressed in material clothes we will not win the spiritual warfare. When people gossip about you and you start confronting them, you will lose the battle, but if you go into the spirit and fight the power behind that gossip, you will win.
Your spiritual Armour must start with the belt of truth, you cannot expect to fight principalities of darkness and overpower them if you are a liar. Have the truth, before you can engage in warfare. Wear your breast plate of righteousness, meaning that you must always be in right standing with God, forsake all sins that will make you shift you from the right standing with God, if you don’t, your chest will be exposed, and the enemy will kill you.
Cover your head with the helmet of salvation. Meaning your thoughts must be covered by faith in Jesus Christ, then have your feet fitted in the gospel of peace, you cannot go around causing conflict everywhere when you are in warfare, you will open the door for the devil to defeat you. In addition to this, have the Word of God, which is a sword of the spirit. You cannot win a battle by only defending yourself, at some point you need to fire at the enemy, and the only lethal weapon against the enemy is the Word of God.
Then you must have faith, which you will use to extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy. One thing you must know is that when you call on the fire of God, the enemy will also send his own fiery darts, and if you do not have faith, the fiery darts of the enemy will burn you. Have faith which you will use as a shield.
Now listen to what Paul says to Timothy “Timothy, my son, the instructions I am giving you are based on what some prophets once said about you. If you follow these instructions, you will fight like a good soldier. 19 You will be faithful and have a clear conscience. Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn’t listen to their consciences (1Tim 1:18 & 19).The Holy Spirit is also speaking to us today, that if we do not take instruction, we can never fight like a good soldier, instead, we will make a mess of our faith. When we follow instructions, we also follow our conscience.
In closing, I want to assure you that you have been given power to defeat your enemy satan by Jesus Christ, He has also assured you that nothing can harm you. (Luke 10:19). So know that the enemy will fight you but you will defeat him, do not be afraid of him, do not be afraid of his threats, Jesus says nothing will harm you.
To God be the Glory.