SERMON - Give a seed that will open doors
29 APRIL 2016
We always say that blessed is the one who gives. Today I want you to understand the meaning of giving. I want to you to understand what it is to give joyfully unto the Lord. I want to explain to you the significance of giving your tithe and your first fruit.
First of all, giving your first fruit serves as a foundation for your finances. When you give your first fruit is like preparing the ground where you are going to receive your blessings. The first fruit ensures that your ground is fertile and is able to receive the showers of blessings from heaven. Therefore, the first fruit is your financial foundation and it is important to ensure that the ground for your blessing is prepared.
Secondly, a tithe is insurance for your wealth. When you pay your tithe, God ensures that you never lack. When you pay your tithe, God makes sure that you are able to make ends meet even in the midst of financial instability. In other words, your tithe is an umbrella that covers your finances.
Both these two forms of offerings, first fruit and a tithe, are essential in the life of a Christian. Let me repeat again, if you give your first fruit – the foundation for your blessings is prepared. When you give your tithe – you are covering whatever blessing you will be receiving from God. If you give the two, it will mean that you are covered in the ground and you are covered from above. Your wealth will be wholly covered.
SERMON - Give what matters the most to you
17 APRIL 2016
In Genesis 32:24-29 the Bible reads, “ Afterwards, Jacob went back and spent the rest of the night alone. A man came and fought with Jacob until just before daybreak. When the man saw that he could not win, he struck Jacob on the hip and threw it out of joint.
They kept on wrestling until the man said, “Let go of me! It’s almost daylight.” “You can’t go until you bless me,” Jacob replied. Then the man asked, “What is your name?” “Jacob,” he answered. The man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob. You have wrestled with God and with men, and you have won. That’s why your name will be Israel.”
We learn from this Scripture that Jacob was blessed after fighting the angel. But before he could be blessed, he had to endure and go through pain, the pain of his hip being broken. But when the blessing came, it was worth the pain.
Many of us want blessings, but we do not want to go through the pain that it takes to get the blessing. Many give an offering to God, they want God to bless them because of that offering, but they do not want to go through the pain that it takes in order to get that blessing.If you want God to bless you richly, you have to give an offering that you will feel even in your heart. It will pain you when you give it, just like Jacob was pained when he wrestled with the angel, but it will be worth your while when the blessing comes.
SERMON - Offer in order for God to stay in your life
06 APRIL 2016
The Bible talks about a man named Gideon, who was an ordinary man. His father’s tribe was the weakest in Israel and also worshipped false gods. They worshipped Baal. Just like you and me before we met God, our forefathers worshipped ancestors. This was the same case with Gideon, whose family generation worshipped false gods.
However, the Bible says that out of all that misery faced by the Abiezer generation, God chose Gideon. It was at this time when the Israelites were captured by the Midianites and they sought the Lord’s help. God heard their prayers and He chose Gideon. God chose him among his people who were worshipping false gods, and he set to rescue the Israelites from the commands of the Midianites.
The Bible in Judges 6:12 tells us that the Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and said to him: “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valour!” Despite God appearing to him through His Angel, Gideon was sceptical and could not believe what God is declaring to him. He could not believe that God wanted to use him, and as a result he asked God for a sign.
It is the same with us as Christians. We do believe in God and we have faith in Him, but we should ask God for a sign regarding His promises that are in His Word. We should make follow up on God and ask for a sign, just like Gideon did. Even when you receive your prophecy, follow it up and ensure that it does come to pass. Follow it up with God, and ask Him to fulfil it.
SERMON - Create an altar with your offering
27 MARCH 2016
In Mathew 28:2-6, we read that “Suddenly a strong earthquake struck, and the Lord’s angel came down from heaven. He rolled away the stone and sat on it. The angel looked as bright as lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards shook from fear and fell down, as though they were dead. The angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus, who was nailed to a cross. He isn’t here! God has raised him to life, just as Jesus said he would. Come, see the place where his body was lying.”
The angel rolled away the stone that was blocking the entrance to the tomb of Jesus Christ. Many children of God have stones that are blocking the entrance of their finances. Today, as we remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I want you to know that the same angel that rolled away the stone, is here to roll away any stone that is blocking your finances.
What you need to do is just give, in order to create an alter for your finances. God says all the riches and wealth of the earth belong to us His children, but many of us are unable to access our riches because we have not created an alter where we can serve the Lord with our finances.
The devil tries to attack our finances in many different ways, but when you have created an alter for God, and placed your finances at the altar of God, the devil will never be able to access them. Today as you give, create an altar for God and lay your finances before Him. When you get to the altar that you have created, you speak to God and tell Him that “everything that had died in my life, bring it back to life. Bring my finances back to life, bring my career back to life, bring my finances back to life”.
SERMON - Be like a Man from Baal-Shalishah
13 MARCH 2016
The Man from Baal-Shalishah brought his 1st fruit offering to the Man of God. At the time of bringing the offering, the man did not think that his offering could feed a hundred people. But the Man of God said give it to the people. Even when his servant warned him that the offering was not enough, he insisted that it must be given to the people. The Man of God, knew that the Lord had promised abundance, that is why he was so confident that the bread must be given to the people.
Its like many of you here, sometimes when you want to offer you think what you want to offer is is not good enough. You may think its not good enough for the house of God. Or its not good enough for the Man of God. But the Bible teaches us that what you think is not good enough, God can make it good enough. When you give freely in the house of God, God will multiply what you gave so that it overflows.
The Bible says they ate and still had some left overs, just as God had promised, meaning that God’s promise, that He shall give abundantly is true. But for you to experience the manifestation of that promise, you to need to take a step of faith. The man from Baal-Shalishah took a step of faith by giving his first fruits. He nevr knew that out of his gifts, there will be left overs.
I want to tell you today that if you take a step of faith and give with all you heart, you will also experience multiplication. What you have given will be multiplied back to you so much that you will even have left overs. If this year you didn’t give your first fruits, start planning in advance so that next year, when the year begins, you are able to give the 1st fruit.
SERMON - Love God and Love Others by giving selflessly
28 FEBRUARY 2016
Imagine when you get to heaven and you find that your store house is empty, and you look at your neighbours whose store houses are filled up to the bream. You will be asking yourself where you have been storing. And the answer will be that you have been storing for thieves. Whatever that you think you have in this world, it does not really have an impact in heaven. In heaven, it does not matter who you are. In heaven, your status does not mean anything.
However, in heaven God will be concerned about how many of His instructions you obeyed. He will be looking at where you have accumulated your treasures. Do you have them in heaven or on earth? When you want to have wealth, invest in wealth. But when you want to be close to God, invest in prayer. However, it does not help to be close to God but you do not obey His instructions. You want to be close to God but you do not involve Him in your finances. Be a good steward of God’s possessions. We are just managers in this world. We manage God’s belongings. Therefore, when you are a good manager, you will get a promotion, but if you are a bad manager your yields from God will not be pleasant.
SERMON - Be Trustworthy to God
26 FEBRUARY 2016
We are all priests inour own lives, but some of us are priests like the sons of Eli. We eat what we are not supposed to est. The offering that is supposed to be for God, you eat before God can eat. When the offering is still boiling, you start eating before it can be ripe and before it's dedicated to God. In that way you ware cursing God with your finances.
Because we want to feed ourselves before we can please God. We want to make our own budget before we see God’s budget. We want to concentrate on our own needs before we can look at the needs of God. The Bible says this makes the Lord angry. Today I want you to ask yourself a question, that “in your life, who eats first, is it you or is it God? is it the giver of all or is it the receiver that eats first?
SERMON - Be Faithful to God
21 FEBRUARY 2016
When we pray unto God we make promises, some of us when we want employment we promise God that we are going to pay our tithes every month, we promise Him that we are going to take care of HIs house. But after God blesses us, we forget about the promises that we made to Him. This is why His Word says be careful of being tempted to turn away. After you are blessed you turn back, you forget the promises you made for God before you received the blessing. That is when God will stop the rain in your life, meaning that He will stop that overflow in your financial breakthrough.
SERMON - Seek God first
24 JANUARY 2016
People of God, I am encouraging you to seek God first and everything else will follow. Do not worry about the crucification of this world. People will crucify you, but remember what Jesus said. He said in this world you will be crucified and persecuted, but He has encouraged us to be cheerful during our persecutions because He has overcome the world. Forget about what people are saying about you. Forget about your lack. In your suffering know that God is in control. When you’re faced with challenges, pray with your heart and also wait on God with all of your heart. Seek God’s Kingdom first and stop being worried about the things of the world. Seek first the Kingdom of God and you shall know who God is, and you shall arrive at your destiny.
SERMON - Give as a descendant of Abraham
10 JANUARY 2016
We who believe are Abraham’s descendants, he is our father. If we truly are sons and daughters, we must be like our father in every way. If our father was giver, we also have to be givers, because we resemble our father. We cannot want to enjoy Abrahams’ blessings without taking his responsibilities.
SERMON - Plant in order to receive a reward
03 JANUARY 2016
Therefore as we are also entering in the year of 2016, and we all declare that it is a year of a fresh start. We all say that this is a year of a reward. We all declare and decree that this is the year of a YES, but the devil will try to tell us his lies that what we are declaring is impossible. As he is the father of all lies, the devil will remind you that you are not worthy enough to possess your possessions. He will try to convince you how it is not at all possible to achieve your reward, but we need to remember that the One in us is greater than the one in this world.