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Be Faithful to God

In Deuteronomy 11:13 to 17, the Bible tells us that "The Lord your God commands you to love Him and to serve Him with all your heart and soul. If you obey HIm, He will send rain at the right season, so you will have more than enough food, wine, and olive oil, and there will be plenty of grass for your cattle. But watch out! YOu will be tempted to turn your backs on the Lord. And if you worship other gods, the Lord will become angry and keep the rain from falling. Nothing will grow in your fields, and you will die and disappear from the good land that the Lord is giving you."

This Scripture teaches us to be faithful to God. It teaches us that in giving, we continue to give even when it’s not easy. Even when you have your own debts you still pay tithe. Being faithful means that you need to have faith first, and your spirit needs to be filled with faith. That is where the word faithful comes from.

Meaning that you must first trust in God, and that trust will overflow. When trust is full in your heart, Your action will show that you really have trust in God. You believe that God is the God who sees, because He can see that in your account you are running with minus, and He knows that your account must be filled with pluses.

When we pray unto God we make promises, some of us when we want employment we promise God that we are going to pay our tithes every month, we promise Him that we are going to take care of His house. But after God blesses us, we forget about the promises that we made to Him.

This is why His Word says be careful of being tempted to turn away. After you are blessed you turn back, you forget the promises you made for God before you received the blessing. That is when God will stop the rain in your life, meaning that He will stop that overflow in your financial breakthrough.

You will start to face troubles in your marriage, because you are no more faithful to God. We really need to be faithful, so that when we pray to Him and ask Him to release into our lives, we don’t turn back, because if we turn back, everything in our lives will die. He says “in due season you will get the rain.” This shows that its only God who releases breakthrough in your life.

For that career to blossom its only God who can allow that. For you to receive the answers to your prayers its only God. And He does it in His own right time. This means that When you don’t see what you have prayed for, you don’t cease to pray. You continue praying and the right time that God will bless you.

When I got a prophecy that I will be married to a powerful man of God, by then the prophecy didn’t make sense. I fasted and I prayed for the man who was in my life then. I never stopped praying, the prophecy only came to pass only 10 years later. When I was praying and fasting, God locating my husband and preparing him for me.

I don’t know what you are trusting God to do in your life, But I stand here and I say that in due time God will answer your prayers. But you need to pray and be faithful to God. Even if you see yourself sinking into debts, pay that tithe and continue to tell Him that “God as you see that this is the last that I have, I don’t even know how I’m going to go to work, but I believe that as you see that I’m honest, you will be the God that you are in my life, and your Word will come to pass in my life”.

God does not respect man, but he respects His Word and His word will always come to pass. Be faithful to God and see if He will be faithful to you. Sometimes God tests us, in order to see how long you are going to be faithful. You pray for something this month, and pay your tithe, and you don’t receive your answer, after the 3rd month of not seeing your answer and paying your tithe, you give up, not knowing that you gave up at the edge of your breakthrough.

You miss your blessing because you don’t have patience and endurance. You need to be consistent in God’s Word and be consistent in keeping your promises to God. So that God can fulfil what you have asked for. God is good, He doesn’t want to see us struggling, that is why His Word only speaks about blessings. But we must look at what we need to do in order to receive.

God does not want us to worship other “gods”, because He knows that sometimes we worship other “gods” without even realizing that we worship other “gods”. Anything that comes before God in our hearts is another “god”, and this shows that our priorities are not straight.

When you ask, use the Word of God, remind Him of His promises. You need to speak to God as if He is here. Speak also to the Holy Spirit, He will respond, you will hear Him, but when you are not sure which “god” you are serving you will think it’s your today as we give, let us give with faithfulness and trust in our hearts, and God will surely meet us at the point of our needs.

To God be the Glory.

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