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How do you fight your battle?

Many of us are facing differnt kinds of battles. Although we are children of God, we pray without ceasing, we still face battles. When you look at those who are not born again, they seem to be doing fine whilst you are facing battles in every area of your life. The question now becomes "how do you fight your battle?"

When you know the person who is causing your problems, how do you respond? Do you fight back or do you pray against them? The manner with which you respond, will determine who you are in the sight of God. As a child of God, when you are facing any kind of battle, pray using Psalm 55.

In Psalm 55:1 to 4, David says “Give ear to my prayer, O God, And do not hide Yourself from my supplication. Attend to me, and hear me; I am restless in my complaint, and moan noisily, Because of the voice of the enemy, Because of the oppression of the wicked; For they bring down trouble upon me, And in wrath they hate me. My heart is severely pained within me, And the terrors of death have fallen upon me”

Imagine the voice of the enemy, day and night you hear their voice. Your enemy can come in the form of husband or wife. David says “hear my prayer”, this shows that God does not want us to fight physically. I know people who fought spiritual battles physically and today they are dead or have backslided.

And in verse 12 & 13 he says, “My enemies are not the ones who sneer and make fun. I could put up with that or even hide from them. But it was my closest friend, the one I trusted most.” Sometimes you find that you are being fought by friends. In your work, in your business in your marriage and in your in-laws.

In many cases, the person who will fight you is not someone far from you, but someone close to you. They are able to fight you because they know your weak points. The manner in which you respond, matters. Sometimes you find yourself fighting and not winning, have you ever thought that maybe God wants you to surrender?

In Jeremiah 38: 17 & 18, the we read about the time that God spoke to Jeremiah the Prophet, telling him to warn King Zedekiah not to fight the battle against the Babylonians. It says “Then I told him that the Lord had said: “Zedekiah, I am the Lord God All-Powerful, the God of Israel. I promise that if you surrender to King Nebuchadnezzar’s officers, you and your family won’t be killed, and Jerusalem won’t be burned down. But if you don’t surrender, I will let the Babylonian army capture Jerusalem and burn it down, and you will be taken prisoner.”

The king refused to obey the voice of God and he did not surrender to the Babylonians and he was taken captive. It’s like many of you here, you have been fighting battles that you should not fight. Because the battle is not yours. Even when you see that you are not winning you keep fighting.

There are fights that you will fight and never win until you surrender. Those are fights that God allowed in order to promote you. When God spoke to Zedekiah and said he must surrender, it showed that that battle against the Babylonians, God had allowed it. I want you to look into your life and ask yourself, how many battles are you fighting?

The Battle maybe in the form of disappointment, failure, or rejection. When that battle comes you may not understand why it came, but I want to tell you that you that as a child of God, don’t fight back, but surrender. When you surrender you leave the battle to God. When you leave it to God, He will fight for you.

Some of you are facing battles at work and you are about to be dismissed. You start praying and asking God to change the heart of your boss or to cause him to have favour towards you. What you do not know is that God has allowed that dismissal because He wants to get you out of that company. He knows that you will not resign and He wants to take you to a better position.

Some women find themselves fighting their husbands because of their unfaithfulness. Some even go to the point of fighting the women with which their husbands are cheating with, not knowing that it is God who is exposing that man because he is not a godly spouse. Instead of surrendering and making way for the plan of God that will get you out. You fight the battle for yourself.

If you find someone fighting you, and you cannot understand why they are fighting you, do not fight back. Leave them for God. When you leave them for God, one day they will not only be exposed but also arrested. Stop praying against people, fasting and even using anointing water so that when you appear they can fear you, but leave the battle to God. If you fight for yourself, using even the mediums of God, thinking that those people will fear you, they will attack you even more, to show that the battle is not yours.

Some of you are not even able to sleep because of their enemies, you think about them day and night. Leave them for God. The battle of a child of God needs wisdom. when you have wisdom you will realize that some of those battles are just there so that God can promote you. Some of the battles don’t need you to respond. Instead just keep quiet. I mean if you don’t face battles , how is God going to promote you?

No matter how many battles you are facing, don’t fight back. In 2 Chronicles 20:15. The Jahaziel spoke to the king and said “the Lord says that you don’t need to be afraid or let this powerful army discourage you. God will fight on your side!”. But if you fight for yourself, God will leave you to your own power.

But if you allow God to be everything for you, He will fight for you, and when God fights for you, the victory that you are going to have will be powerful and you will forget about the pain of the past battle.

I pray that whatever battle that you are facing, may God win it for you.

To God be the Glory

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