Intensify your prayer
The months of June & July, are the months where Christians should intensify their prayers despite the fact that it’s cold. Your body...
Words of Encouragement
In Exodus chapter1 we read about how Pharaoh started oppressing the children of Israel all because they were blessed and numerous. The...
Words of Wisdom
All night prayer is one of the most powerful weapons of warfare. So use it effectively, because when you are in your house it’s not easy...
Don't be discouraged
In Nehemiah chapter 4, we read about the opposition that Nehemiah faced when he was rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. The Bible tells us...
Giving is a way of obeying God
In Deuteronomy 28: 1 to 6 we read about blessings for obeying God. The Lord has promised us good things for fully obeying Him and for...
They will ask "how come are you so blessed"
In John 9: we read about the man born blind. In verse 18 & 19, we see how the Jewish leaders questioned the man’s parents and asked them...
Honour your Father
Today as we celebrate father’s day, I want you to know that you need a father. You need a spiritual father, and you need a natural...
Face your Goliath
The Bible tells us a bout David, the last born son of Jesse, who was bold enough to face Goliath, the Philistine champion. In 1 Samuel...
Get out of Luz and Go to Bethel
In Genesis 28:10 to 22, we read about Jacob’s journey to Beersheba. The Bible tells us that on the way Jacob took a stone, lay his head...
Do not let your heart be troubled
In John 14:1 to 6, Jesus is speaking directly to us, Jesus knows our situations and the difficulties that we find ourselves in, that is...