You are Moses of your family
When Moses was born, it was the time when Hebrew boys were being killed, but he was rescued from death and hidden in a river, from the...
Give yourself out of a situation
In Luke 6:38, Jesus is teaching us to give because the measure with which we give, it will be given back to us. Many want to receive but...
Prophecy brings life to the dead
In Ezekiel 37 we read about the time when the Spirit of God took the Prophet Ezekiel to the valley of dry bones. When he got to the...
The bleeding will stop
In Luke 8:43 we read about the woman with the issue of blood. This woman was bleeding for 12 years, she spent all her money, all her time...
Refrain from sin
We thank God for the past 3 days of prayer and fasting. I trust you have been faithful in this time of prayer, and I trust you have been...
Integrity and Prosperity
Many of you are facing different kinds of trials and tribulations. Some of the trials are so intense that many will begin to ask...
Walk faithfully before God
In 2 kings 20: 1 to 6, we read about Hezekiah, the ruler of God’s people. He was ill and he was about to die. So God sent prophet Isaiah...
The sacrifice of obedience
Faith comes from above, it does not require your ability but it requires your obedience. If you say you have faith but you don’t obey...
You must be born again
In John 3: 3 to 6, Jesus is teaching us how to enter the Kingdom of God, He says “I tell you for certain that you must be born from above...
Give to show your love for God
In Luke 7:36-40, we read about a sinful woman who heard that Jesus was in town, having dinner at one of the Pharisee’s house. She went to...