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Do not let your heart be troubled

In John 14:1 to 6, Jesus is speaking directly to us, Jesus knows our situations and the difficulties that we find ourselves in, that is why He says “do not let your heart be troubled, only believe”. Yes, even in that situation, Jesus says do not be troubled. Many of us are overcome by persisting challenges and persisting situations, but today I want to tell you that you must not get tired.

Some of you are in situations and you have prayed and you have fasted, now its time for you to ensure that your heart is not trouble, only believe. Believe in the Father, believe also in Jesus Christ. Jesus says in His Father’s house there are many rooms. This means that in our heavenly Father’s house, there are many solutions. But you must just believe.

Some of you have received prophecy that your breakthrough is on its way, but you have still not testified even after many months, Jesus says do not be troubled, there is a solution for you, do not stop praying, do not start complaining, but believe. Jesus himself, is the way to the Father, when He says there is a solution, it means He has seen the solution. You just believe.

If you are here and you believe, be rest assured that you will testify, you will not die in your situation, but Jesus will see you trough, only believe. It doesn’t matter how long the prophecy takes to manifest, but it will manifest. This is why the prophet Habakkuk says in Habakkuk 2:2 & 3, that the prophecy must be written down so that a herald must run with it, he also says, though it may linger, it will surely come to pass.

Now the problem with some of you is that when you see things not happening in your time, you become discouraged and you stop coming to church. That is not true faith. True faith holds on to the prophecy until it comes to pass. Do not focus on your situation, because it’s there to bring you closer to God. Some of you could have long received your breakthrough, but because God sees ahead and knows the challenges you may face ahead, He delays the miracle, in order to remove the challenge.

When God has cleared all challenges, and when He knows that your miracle will now be permanent, He makes a way. So God will make a way for you, be patient and only believe, do not lose hope, do not stop praying, but hold on to your believe, God will see you trough.

To Him be all Honor and Glory.

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