Refrain from sin
We thank God for the past 3 days of prayer and fasting. I trust you have been faithful in this time of prayer, and I trust you have been reading your Psalm 51 for repentance and Psalm 91 for protection. If you were faithful in the past 3 days, you will definitely see God turning the tables around for you. We read Psalm 51 because we all need the Mercy of God. This is why David began the Psalm by saying “ Have mercy upon me oh God”.
David was blessed, because every time he realised that he had committed sin, he would run to God and not from God. He would ask for the mercy of God. Whenever he saw that his sin is going to separate him from the presence of God, he would pray and say “create in me a pure heart Oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me”(verse 10).
It’s like many of you here. You struggle with sin every day, because the flesh is weak. The devil uses your weakness to create sin in your life. When there is sin in your life, you cannot enjoy the presence of God, because God is Holy. But if you repent and pray the prayer in Psalm 51 with all your heart, God will cleanse you and break the power of sin upon your life. When the power of sin upon your life is broken, you will know the joy of salvation.
People of God, do not live in sin. You must live in Holiness and righteousness. It does not help to come to church, receive teachings and prayer, and then go out and continue to live in sin. The teachings that you receive here is so that you can change from your sinful ways. But some of you pretend to be Holy when you are in the church, when you go out you live sinful lives.
Your lives are full of gossiping and slandering. You fornicate and you commit adultery. And you come to church and you call yourself a child of God. God will expose you. God hates sin so much. When you live in sin, you are only delaying yourself and your own breakthrough. There is no limit to the things that God wants to do for you as His children, but you have to live a Holy life.
This is why some of your careers are stuck, this is why some of your businesses are not progressing, because you have opened a door to sin. How can you live with someone that you are not married to? What do you call than? Is that not fornication? Is that not sin? How do you expect to prosper when you are living in such sinful acts?
Some of you are not even ashamed to invite the Man of God to resolve issues from your sinful life. You meet a man at church, within 2 weeks you are moving in together. When you have financial problems you want the Man of God to pray for you, for what? It’s that sin that is attacking you. God knows what you need, God knows that you need a husband, in His own time He will bring you a faithful husband who will love you and appreciate you. Just wait upon the Lord.
The problem with some of you is that you want to go ahead of the Lord. When you walk into sin, God will cast you out of His presence. When you pray or worship, it will only be out of religious experience. I want to see you blessed, but when I see you living in sin and you don’t repent, there is nothing that I can do. Please children of God hear me and understand me, repent from sinful lives.
If you are in a courtship, control yourself, your time will come. Do not walk into temptation. If you know that you have been living in sin, repent and come back to God, He will wash you and cleanse you. When you are clean, live in righteousness and holiness, do not go back to that sin that used to hold you back. Then you will enjoy an abundance of God’s blessings.
To God be the Glory.