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You are Moses of your family

When Moses was born, it was the time when Hebrew boys were being killed, but he was rescued from death and hidden in a river, from the river he went to Pharaoh’s house( Exodus 2). Moses grew up like Pharaoh’s son, he ran from Pharaoh’s house after he killed and Egyptian. Moses did not know that his breakthrough was in Pharaoh’s house.

Moses went and lived with Jethro, and this time, he was a shepherd. You can just imagine life from a palace to being a shepherd. But Moses was being prepared for greater things. It’s like most of you here, you are in difficult situations, things looks like they are going from better to worse, but I’m here to tell you that God is preparing you for greater things. It might be painful, the challenges might be a lot but God is at work in your life.

One day as Moses was still taking care of the sheep in Jethro’s house, the Word of the Lord came to him, God said to him “you have to go back to Egypt, you have to go to Pharaoh’s and tell him to let my people go”(Exodus 3:10). Moses started thinking about the Egyptian that he killed, he started thinking that the Egyptians will want to kill him because he also killed one of them. But when God calls you, He doesn’t look at your fears, because He gives you His Word to strengthen you.

The Word of God is powerful, it settles all issues of life. The Word of God is able to transform and change your life. When Moses said “but Lord I cannot speak” ( Exodus 4:10) , God said, “Go, I will help you speak and teach you what to say”(Exodus 4:11). When Moses said “But Lord what is they don’t believe that you are the one who sent me?”. God said “Moses what is it that you have in your hand, throw it down” Moses has a rod in his hand, when he threw it down it became a snake. God spoke again to Moses and said “pick up the snake by the tail”. When Moses picked up the snake it became a rod.(Exodus 4:1 to 4). God did all these signs so that Moses can believe and so that if the Israelites don’t believe that God sent Moses, they could believe.

Moses feared Pharaoh because he knew him very well, Moses knew that Pharaoh is surrounded by witches, wizards and magicians, but God, showed Moses through many signs that He is the Great I AM. It’s like most of you here, you think that your situation is too big, but I can tell you now it’s not bigger than God. When you have God on your side, no situation can defeat you.

The reason why most Christians are defeated now is because they are living in sin. The sin makes them weak and they will not be able to confront their Pharaoh. God said to Moses “take off your shoes, for the place that you are standing on is Holy”( Exodus 3:5) Moses was a murder, that sin was with him, and without him taking off that sin, he would not be able to confront Pharaoh.

Many of you don’t know how blessed you are. Because you are living in sin. Many of you are not aware that you are the Moses of your family, you are the one who is chosen to bring your family out of that bondage and out of that poverty. You are the one to confront the Pharaoh of your family to tell him thus says the Lord “let my people go”.

When God gives you salvation, He saves you so that you can also save your family. You are the one that knows your family, you know their weakness and you are the one to bring them salvation. But the problem with many Christians is that when they are saved they reject their family because of the family weaknesses. They become impatient with their family.

Child of God, I’m here to tell you, that you are the Moses of your family. Allow God to use you to deliver your family. Allow God to use you to save your family. Live a Holy life and resist sin, because God cannot use you if you are living in sin. It doesn’t matter what the situation of your family is, it doesn’t matter how long it has been going on, God is with you, and God will give you power to conquer.

God will give you His Word so that you can speak boldly. You will be an ambassador of God in your family. You might see yourself as just a person, but God says “I will give you my words to speaks”. You need to stand on God’s Word when you want to conquer the Pharaoh of your family, you need God’s Word, when you want to defeat the witches and wizards in your family, you need God’s Word. When you have God’s word in you, you will speak boldly to the situation in your family and say “let them go”.

I don’t know the kind of Pharaoh that your family is facing, I don t know the situation in your family, I don’t know the affliction of your family, but you are the one who knows it. You see God will not use you to conquer an enemy you don’t know. This is why God used Moses to conquer Pharaoh, because Moses knew the ins and outs of Egypt. You just need to stand of the Word of God and command order in your family. Declare liberty in your family.

When your family is free, they will glorify God along with you. Today they are criticizing your Christianity because they don’t understand. But the day that they become free, they will be the ones to say, “Glory be to your God”. Take a stand child of God, find strength in God, and face the Pharaoh of your family, because you have God on your side, and with God on your side, victory is guaranteed.

To God be the Glory.

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