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The bleeding will stop

In Luke 8:43 we read about the woman with the issue of blood. This woman was bleeding for 12 years, she spent all her money, all her time and all her energy on doctors, trying to get a solution to the bleeding. But nothing helped. I can just imagine this woman, when doctors gave her different medications, thinking she will get well. But she kept on bleeding.

In those days, when a woman was on her periods, she was regarded as unclean, and she was not allowed to go to a public place. So you can imagine the suffering of this woman, the rejection that she went through, excluded from the society because of her condition. Even when she heard that Jesus was passing by, she was not allowed to speak to Him, because she was unclean. This woman did not lose hope, she did not lose heart. She decided in her heart that she will reach out and touch Jesus.

This woman is like many of you who are here. You are bleeding because of your situation, you are bleeding because of various trials and tribulations, and you are bleeding because you have been rejected. You are facing different spiritual attacks, your family is suffering. You have gone all around the country and also outside the country in search of a solution, but still you don’t have a solution, and now your heart is bleeding.

When you see others getting their breakthroughs and miracles, you ask yourself when will I get there. You are crying day and night, you can’t even sleep because you are in debt, even in your sleep you are counting and wondering how you will ever get out. You are looking at others getting jobs and getting married. You are asking yourself what is it that you still need to do, because you have done all. You have prayed, you have fasted.

Well I’m here to tell you child of God that there is hope, you can still get a solution. Jesus Christ is your solution. Just need to reach out and touch Him, in the same way that the woman touched Him. The Bible tells that that IMMEDIATELY when the woman touched Jesus, her bleeding stopped. It did not take an hour, it did not take days or months or years. But IMMEDIATELY, the woman’s situation that had troubled her for 12 years stopped. I don’t know what your situation is, I don’t know for how long you have been suffering, what I know is that Jesus is here to stop the bleeding of your life.

You may not be bleeding like the woman, but in one way or another, you are struggling with a situation that you cannot overcome, because of this, you are bleeding. You maybe crying asking God for a job, you may be asking for a husband, or for the breakthrough of your family. Jesus is here to stop your bleeding, just reach out in prayer and touch Him. He will change your situation, and He will stop your bleeding.

When you touch Jesus tonight, your bleeding will stop. You will be like the man who was born blind. When he came in contact with Jesus, his life changed, he received his sight. Those that knew him were asking “but how come”. They were not concerned about the miracle that he had received, but they were concerned about how he had received his miracle.

I want to tell you child of God, that the same Jesus is here tonight, He is here to change your life forever. They may have known your family for poverty, they may have known your family as one which never succeeds. They may have known your family as one which begs for bread, but when you touch Jesus today, the bleeding of your family will stop.

The very same people will ask, “but how did she get that job? how did she get that husband? how did she buy that car”. Because the devil will be defeated today. When he thought that no amount of prayer could ever rescue you, where he thought that no witchdoctor can rescue you, he will be surprised as to how you got your break through. All you need to do is to reach out and touch Jesus.

You have tried everything, you have asked your friends how they prospered, they have lied to you, they have given you wrong answers. But I want to tell you today, the same God who rescued Shadrack, Mishack and Abednego out of the fire is here to stop your bleeding. You must just reach out to Jesus and touch Him.

Children of God, Jesus will change your life, only if you touch Him. The problem with many Christians today is that they want solution but they don’t want to pray. How do you expect to get a solution? You just want to complain. If you are full of complaining you have goat spirit. You know a goat? It cannot be led, you lead it to the right, it goes to the left. You lead it forward, it goes back. It complains all the way and can even fall down.

So are many Christians, you tell them “lets pray”, they complain. You say “lets fast”, they refuse. You invite them to a church service, they say “Man of God please remind me on the day of the service”, you remind them on the day of the service, they come an hour late. Yet they want God to stop the bleeding in their lives.

Child of God, if you want the bleeding in your life to stop, be like a sheep, not a goat. A sheep does not complain, you tell it follow me, it follows you straight and does not turn to the left or the right. You tell it sit here it sits and waits for your next instruction, you shave off is wool, it does not cry, but it knows that the wool will grow again.

Jesus is here to stop the bleeding of many lives, but if you rebel and refuse to follow instruction like a goat, Jesus cannot stop your bleeding, because you will not be able to touch Him. But if you obey like a sheep, there is no way that you will not touch Jesus. Your obedience will enable you to touch Jesus with your prayer, and your bleeding will stop, forever.

We are going to pray now, and those with a sheep spirit will pray with all their hearts, and they will see the power of God.


  1. Pray and ask God to give you a new a heart, a heart that will acknowledge Him, trust him and obey Him. That new heart will bring a testimony in the situation that you are in.

  2. Ask God to stop any bleeding that you have in your life. It may be in your career, it may be in your business, it may be in your finances or even in your marriage.

The manner with which you pray tonight, will determine the measure with which you touch Jesus Christ.

The prayer that you offer today, can touch even your family in Phalaborwa or anywhere in this country. You must just pray will all your heart.

When you pray with all your heart, your prayer will send an echo into the deep rooted alters that control your home town, and they will come down as if they were pulled by a mighty wind.

To God be the Glory.

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