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Integrity and Prosperity

Many of you are facing different kinds of trials and tribulations. Some of the trials are so intense that many will begin to ask themselves where God is, why me. Many think that because they are Christians they are immune to trials and tribulations. But many are not aware that some of the trials are to push them to a new level in life. Job was a man who was blameless and upright. He feared God and shunned evil. But he went through many trials.

In those trials, Job remained faithful to God and continued to honour God. He lost everything and everyone around him turned against him. But Job continued to honour God. When God saw that Job honoured him even in the middle of the worst trials and tribulations, God honoured him in return. Job became the richest man to have ever lived after his trials. Before his trials, Job was just an ordinary child of God, after his trials, he became a priest. All because he continue to honour God in his trials.

The point that I’m making is that whatever you are going through, God is aware. You must just remain faithful and continue to honour Him in good and bad times alike. When you honour God in your trials, He will also honour you. It does not matter how much pain you are going through, but continue to honour God. God is always faithful, He cannot be changed by circumstances. When you honour God in all situations and circumstances, you establish INTERGRITY. When you have integrity you will be able to maintain PROSPERITY.

Many children of God are crying for prosperity but they don’t have integrity. When you don’t have integrity, you will not be able to handle your prosperity. Many of you have been blessed with marriages, careers or even businesses, but if you don’t have integrity in those blessings, you will not prosper in those blessings. I know many people that failed to maintain their blessings because they did not have integrity.

Some of you God blesses you with a wife and you become unfaithful, you start cheating on her. That is the highest form of stupidity, I really hate it when a man cheats on his wife, because God hates adultery. And if you are submitted under my covering and you cheat and commit adultery, God will expose to the point that you will wish to commit suicide. Because you don’t have integrity.

Some of you God blessed you with a job and you start taking bribes and cheating in your workplace, you will not prosper. You need to be faithful and honour God in that job. Some people obtain riches by making ungodly sacrifices, today they are even ashamed to come out and say I’m blessed. It’s all because of lack of integrity.

Jacob received the 1st born blessings, but because he did not get them in a godly way, or because he did not have integrity, he never had peace. He was suffering, when he was working for Laban, he never enjoyed the fruit of his labour. Laban kept cheating him and robbing him. Jacob was prophesied to be blessed when he was still in his mother’s womb, but because of lack of patience, he stole the blessings from his brother, now he was not enjoying the blessings, because Laban was doing to him what he did to Esau. This is why the Bible tells us to do unto others as we would want them to do unto us.

At the end Jacob realised that his situation needed God’s intervention. He took his wives and went to his brother to seek peace and reconciliation when he got to his brother, his brother welcomed him and made peace with him, because his brother lived in integrity. Esau was also blessed, because of his integrity.

In Genesis 32:22 to 25, we see how Jacob met with an angel of the Lord on his way to his brother. Jacob fought with the angel all night long, even when the angel broke the socket of his hip, he did not let go, because he wanted blessings that came with integrity. This is when Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. With this new name, came new blessings and a new character.

Your integrity speaks of your character. You might be blessed, and the devil will never challenge that that, but if you don’t have integrity, you will suffer in those blessings. The devil will always attack your integrity, not your prosperity, because he knows that your integrity determines your character. If you are working and you don’t haver integrity, you will have nothing to show for your work.

Gehazi was also blessed, he was serving one of the greatest men of God to have ever lived, Elisha. But because he did not have integrity, he ended up with a curse instead of the mantle of the Man of God. When the Man of God did not take Naaman’s gifts, Gehazi went behind the back of the man of God and took the gifts. That just shows no integrity.

Some of you are serving God with no integrity, you are full of pride and envy, you are not hearing the Word of God that says get rid of all these things that defiles the heart. This is why you are suffering. God has not created anyone to suffer. But because of no integrity, people suffer. God has called you for blessings, this why He says “in Blessings I will bless you”.

The Lord says “I have called you by your name, I have a good plan for your life, a plan to prosper you and not to harm you”. But why are you suffering child of God? You are suffering because you do not have integrity. You lie to the point that you lie to the man of God, if only you knew how much blessings God has in store for you, you would make up your mind to walk in integrity.

When you have integrity, you will realise your mistakes, and you will humble yourself and apologise to those that you have wronged. Some people say “ I will not say I’m sorry”, some shift the blame and some blame their circumstances, because they don’t have integrity. Churches today are suffering because elders don’t have integrity they don’t have character, church members have no integrity, pastors don’t have integrity. Even though God has anointed them people cannot see the manifestation of God’s power because there is no integrity.

We need to walk in integrity. The Bible says in Proverbs 10:9 “ He who walks in integrity and with moral character walks securely”. For you to be safe and secure, for you to live free of fear, you need integrity. When you live in integrity, even your children become blessed, this is why the Bible says in Proverbs 20:7 (AMP), “The righteous man who walks in integrity and lives life in accord with his [godly] beliefs—How blessed [happy and spiritually secure] are his children after him [who have his example to follow].”

I have been called to declare prosperity into your lives, yes, my God is a God of prosperity, but if you don’t have integrity, I cannot prophesy prosperity into your life. You must 1st build a character of integrity, then I will prophesy prosperity, and I will see it coming to pass. Some of you are known to have good characters at church, but at your workplace you have a different character one which shows lack of integrity. But if you walk in integrity, God will exalt you even to places that you never thought of.

If you know that you have not been walking in integrity, or that your integrity is questionable, we are going to pray, and ask God to remove every habit that defiles our character and tarnishes our in integrity. God will cleanse you and restore your integrity. When your integrity is established, you will walk in abundant blessing and prosperity.

To God be the Glory.

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