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You need to come to your senses

Today people are suffering because they cannot use their common sense in a given situation. They allow themselves to go through bad situations even when it’s not necessary. Even when there is an opportunity to get out of that situation, people just remain in it. That just shows that they don’t use common sense. Sometimes you just need to come to your senses and realize that the situation you are in is not necessary.

One man that failed to use his common sense over and over again is Samson. A man who was born and given to vow of God, that he would never shave his hair and he would never drink wine. He was a Nazarene indeed. He was one of the strongest men to have ever lived, and he also killed a lion with his bare hands.

But his weakness was women, when he met one Philistine woman named Delilah, he lost all his sense. Even when Delilah wanted to deceive him, he did not use his common sense. Delilah asked him the secret of his great strength, he told her lies that if they tied him with 7 strings of a tree he would lose his strength. The Philistines did that but Samson did not lose his strength. Instead of coming to his sense and realizing that Delilah tricked him, he continued to live with her.

The second time Delilah tried to find out the source of Samson’s strength. He told her lies again and said if they tie him with new ropes he would lose his strength, the Philistines did that but Samson did not lose his strength. Even then, he failed to come to his senses and see Delilah for who she really is.

In Judges 16:5 the Bible tells us that, The Philistine rulers went to Delilah and said, “Trick Samson into telling you what makes him so strong and what can make him weak. Then we can tie him up so he can’t get away. If you find out his secret, we will each give you 1 100 pieces of silver”

The story of Samson demonstrates how the devil is trying every day and in so many ways to take your strength in God away. The devil will use something that you love and something close to you. Samson loved women, that is why the devil used Delilah in order to destroy him. Samson could not see that Delilah was an agent of the devil until he was blind.

Something that you regard as being good can sometimes be manipulated by the devil to stop you from doing what you should do. For instance, when you are a person of fasting and prayer, the devil can use someone or your friend to take you out for lunches or dinner. By so doing, you would not have enough time to fast and to pray. This is someone very close to you, but is being used by the devil from derailing you from prayer, without knowing.

Samson was a fierce fighter with great strength who fulfilled the mission of God by slaying the Philistines, but things took another turn when Delilah came into his life. It is also like that in our lives. There are some people or even your friends which have been deployed by the devil in your life to disrupt you from reaching your God-given destiny.

The devil does not use something far away to destroy you. He uses something near and dear to you to destroy you, and most of the time you would not realize it. Even in the life of Jesus Christ, the devil used one of the twelve men who were always with Jesus to carry out his mission. He used Judas Iscariot to achieve his purpose.

But when you pray, you are able to identify the devil coming your way. I believe that if Samson was prayerful, he would have perceived that he is being tricked. But because he gave himself too much to the lust of the flesh, he could not even see when danger was coming his way.

Delilah tried several times to have Samson captured by the Philistines, but he still continued with a relationship with her. He was blinded by his passions and he could not come to his senses.

Listen to me carefully, as you all are children of God, there will not be any attack on your life without God giving you a sign. The problem with you is that you are sometimes ignorant and you refuse to believe. Even when God reveals to you that someone very close to you is betraying you, you refuse to believe it, instead you would fight tooth and nail to protect that person. We are suffering today because we ignore the signs given by God. At the end of the day you start to accuse God for neglecting you, although he showed you the signs which you could not perceive. But if you were prayerful and always in the presence of God, you would have been aware of the signs.

In Judges 16:18, Samson eventually disclosed the secret to his strength to Delilah. He told her that he can lose his strength and become weak only when he has his hair cut off. Delilah, once again did exactly that and she cut off Samson’s hair. Samson was defeated and captured because he could not come to his senses.

I appeal to you not to allow the devil to trick you. Never allow the enemy to deceive you, be it in your marriage, in your career and in your business. You should never surrender your strength to the devil. When you hear the schemes people are devising against you and the gossip about you, you must never stop praying. When you have not been promoted in your workplace, or have not experience a breakthrough, do not stop tithing. Continue to come to church and to commit your life to God.

In Judges 16:21-22, the Bible says that Samson’s eyes were gouged out and he was taken to Gaza. Samson could no longer see. He had lost his strength and his vision. That is what the enemy wants to do with you. He want to take out your spiritual eyes so that you lose your direction with God.

The enemy wants to blind your spiritual eyes so that you don’t see your blessings. He will make you to become aware of your sufferings only and you would be wearied and give up on God. Do not let the devil to take away your strength in God. The devil can sometimes capture you like he did to Samson and he can put you to a cage.

In Judges 16:28, we see Samson coming to his senses. After he was captured by the Philistines he began to pray to God. He asked for God to give him back his strength so that he can avenge himself to the Philistines.

We, as Christians, need to repent and ask God for forgiveness. We need to ask God to give us our strength back so that we can be prayerful and have our spiritual eyes restored. You need to come to your senses. Samson came to his senses when there was no hope for him. On the same day that he came to his senses he died.

Numbers 21: 8-9 says: and the Lord answered: “Make a snake out of bronze and place it on top of a pole. Anyone who gets bitten can look at the snake and be saved from death.” Moses obeyed the Lord. And all of those who looked at the bronze snake lived, even though they had been bitten by the poisonous snakes.

The children of God had sinned against God and God punished them with snakes. But God gave a solution to their sin. He asked Moses to make a snake of bronze and hang it on a pole and everyone who looks at the snake will live. God would always offer you a way out from your sin. This is what God did by offering us His only son, Jesus Christ, who was hanged up on the cross. He was hanged on that tree to die for us, and by his death we received life. Yes, sometimes it is not easy to come out of your sin, but God will always come to your rescue, through His son, Jesus Christ.

Come to your senses and fix your path. Just as the children of God looked unto the bronze snake for them to be healed and live. You must also look unto God. Come to your sense and be a child of God. Obey and follow God’s instructions if you believe that God can rescue you and give you a second chance. God is faithful and he remains faithful even when we become faithless (2 Timothy 2:13). Some of the things need you to come to your sense and you will see God opening doors for you.

Acts 3: 19 says: So turn to God! Give up your sins, and you will be forgiven. My dear children, let us change our ways. Acknowledge your wrongs or your sins and repent from them. If you need forgiveness, ask for it from those you have wronged. Do it before it is too late.

Acts 17: 11 says “The people in Berea were much nicer than those in Thessalonica, and they gladly accepted the message. Day after day they studied the Scriptures to see if these things were true. Many of them put their faith in the Lord, including some important Greek and several men.” The Bible teaches us to put our trust in the Lord. He can refresh us and restore us, even though hope seems to be gone.

Acts 26: 20 says “…..Stop sinning and turn to God! Then prove what you have done by the way you live” Prove by your deeds that you are truly repented. If you say you are now neglecting your sinful life, prove it by your deeds. If you say that you are no longer drinking alcohol, throw away the liquor you are displaying in your house. If you say you have truly repented, show it with your deeds.

Let your deeds demonstrate that you have come to your senses. In your marriage, in your career and in your spiritual life, come to your senses. Let us treat one another with love.

Do not give in to the strength to the devil. No matter the difficulties you’re facing, never giving to the pressures of the devil. If you have, come to your senses and turn to God. That is where your help will come.

May God bless His Word

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