You need the Glory of God
In 1 Samuel 3: 3-12, we read about Sameuel, who served the Lord by helping Eli the priest. In those days, the Lord hardly ever spoke directly to people, and He did appear to them very often. But God spoke directly to Samuel, He called him 3 times before Samuel and Eli could realise that is is the Lod speaking.
Now we all know that Samuel was a son of Hannah, she asked him from the Lord and made a vow that “Lord if you would give me a son, I will give him back to you”. And she did exactly that. That is why Samuel stayed with Eli the priest. He had no priestly blood, nor was any of his forefathers a priest, but he stayed in the house of God and heard the voice of God clearly in a time when God did not speak directly to people.
We also know that Eli had sons also that were priests, we know that these sons did evil in the sight of the Lord by not respecting sacrifices brought to the Lord. We can already tell that if they did not respect the Lord’s offering, they must have treated Samuel very bad as well. One can ask themselves, why did God speak directly to Samuel and not directly to the sons of Eli?
God spoke directly to Samuel because he served faithfully and obeyed God. Because of his obedience and faithfulness, Samuel was covered with the Glory of God. Hophni and Phenius, the sons of Eli, though their father was a priest, they did not have the Glory of God, and this is why they never heard the voice of God.
This is why I’m here to tell you that we are in the Month of March, the month where you will see clearly. God will show you clear visions of what He wants to do in your life. But for you to see clearly, you need the Glory of God. For you to get the Glory of God, you need to be faithful and obedient to God.
In any situation that you find yourself, you need the Glory of God. When you have been applying for many positions at many companies, and you have not received a response, when you feel like all your efforts to get a job are amounting to nothing, the Glory of God can move you from nothing to something. You need the Glory of God to locate that application wherever it is lying, and you will be employed.
When you have been interviewed and at the time of appointment the position is frozen, you just need the Glory of God. The Glory of God will cause you to be appointed to an even higher position than that which was frozen. Ask one of my sons here, he applied for a position and it was frozen, but because he had the Glory of God, the same company hired him for a position which was much higher than the frozen one.
You need the Glory of God. When you are in the church and people start to fight you and gossip you, do not leave the church, but remember Samuel, how the sons of Eli treated him bad. How they talked bad to him and reminded him that he is a nobody in the temple, they must have also told him that he has no priestly blood. But Samuel had the Glory of God.
Yes, Hophni and Phineas still live in the church today. Gossiping people and telling them that they do not belong to the house of God, claiming priestly positions but having no fear of God and engaging in evil practices. But I want to tell you that if you see the sons of Eli in the church, be like Samuel, continue to be obedient and faithfully. God will cover you with His Glory, and you will see clear.
I don’t know what situation you are facing at the moment, I don’t know what hardships you are going through, I don’t know what poverty has come against you, but I know that the Glory of God is able to take you out of that situation. The Glory of God does not look at who you are and where you come from, but it looks for a faithful and obedient heart.
When the Glory of God come upon your life, you will be delivered, you will be free and you will prosper. When the Glory of God comes upon you, even those who did not know you will begin to talk about you. When the Glory of God comes upon you, you will see the manifestation of the Power of God.
In 2 Chronicle 7:1 the Bible tells us that “As soon as Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and burned up the offerings. The Lord’s dazzling Glory then filled the temple and the priests could not go in”. Before you can pray for the Glory of God to come upon your life, make sure you are not living in sin and give a sacrificial offering to God. When you have done that, the “dazzling Glory of God” will fill your life and no demon will be able to attack you and your family.I pray that the Glory of God will come upon you, so that you can see clearly.
To God be the Glory.