You need the Holy Spirit
In 1 Chronicles 13:10 to 14, we read, “The Lord God was very angry at Uzzah for doing this, and he killed Uzzah right there beside the chest. David then got angry at God for killing Uzzah. So he named that place “Attack on Uzzah,” and it’s been called that ever since. David was afraid what the Lord might do to him, and he asked himself, “Should I really be the one to take care of the sacred chest?” So instead of taking it to Jerusalem, David decided to take it to the home of Obed-Edom, who lived in the town of Gath. The chest stayed there for three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-Edom, his family, and everything he owned.
The chest refers the ark of God. When it was brought to Jerusalem, Uzzah tried to help. So he died. So David was looking for a place where he could take the Ark. The Bible says he took it to the house of Obed Edom, in Gath. We all know that Obed Edom was a Gittite, the same tribe as Goliath, he lived in Gath, a city of the Philistines. From this we can already tell that he was not a child of God.
We know that the Philistines are people who used to defy God. But the Bible says the Ark of God was taken to the house of Obed Edom, and it stayed there for 3 months. In those 3 months, Obed Edom and his family were blessed. Someone may ask why did the life of Obed Edom change when the Ark entered his house.
The Ark represented the anointing of God. So this shows that when the anointing of God enters your life, no matter who you are and where you come from, your life will be changed. When God blessed Obed Edom, He blessed Him because the Ark was in his house, He did not look at his family back ground or his tribe. He looked at his heart and saw that it was a heart that respected the anointing.
Many of you here, are praying and asking God for blessings, you asking God to prosper you. Let me tell you, what you need is not the blessing, but the anointing of God. When the anointing of God comes into your life, you will be blessed. When the anointing of God comes into your life, you will prosper. When the anointing of God enters your life, it will drive away all poverty.
For Obed Edom, the anointing was represented by the Ark, but for you and me the anointing is the Holy Spirit. So you need the Holy Spirit in your life. It does not matter who you are and where you come from, it does not matter whether your parents were idol worships or not, but when the Holy Spirit comes into your life, your life will change.
This is why the Book of Acts 1: 4 to 8 says “While He was still with them, He said: Don’t leave Jerusalem yet. Wait here for the Father to give you the Holy Spirit, just as I told you He has promised to do. John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit… Jesus said to them, “... But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and He will give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.”
Jesus says to His disciples, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you”. This is why I say you need the Holy Spirit. When you have the Holy Spirit, you will have power. You will have power to receive blessings, you will have power to prosper, you will have power to receive healing or anything else that you need.
When you receive the power that comes through the Holy Spirit, you will be witnesses, meaning that your life will change and people will see that there is a God through you. Many Christians today are living a life without the anointing. Even if the anointing is there they cannot see it because they do not respect it.
Obed Edom respected the anointing, and he was blessed, everything about his life was blessed. If God can bless a man from the same tribe as Goliath because of the anointing, how much more can He bless you who lives in the anointing? I want to tell you that you need the anointing, I mean, you need the Holy Spirit.
This is why when people go to witch doctors, the witchdoctors don’t just start going into the issues of their lives, they first call their own “spirits”. But you as a child of God, you want blessings but you don’t have the Holy Spirit. You cannot have blessings without the Holy Spirit, because you are of the spirit. Flesh needs flesh, but spirit needs spirit.
In that marriage, you need the Holy Spirit. If you enter a marriage without the Holy Spirit, you will end up in divorce. You will not enjoy your marriage, and you will have no one to guide you. But when you have the Holy Spirit, He will give you comfort in that marriage, He will also guide you in that marriage.
When you go to a job interview, just call the Holy Spirit, ask Him to speak trough you. Some of you have received promises from God, and the promises have not yet been fulfilled, because you do not have the Holy Spirit. I want you to call the Holy Spirit today, call Him to take charge of your life, allow Him to direct you, and you will be blessed.
If you call the Holy Spirit now, He will come upon you. He will bring you the anointing. Make sure that you are not living in sin, because the Holy Spirit cannot live where there is sin. Your sin will quench the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be blessed, everything about you will be blessed.
Yes, in the next 3 months, your life will be changed. You will testify in the next 3 months, because the Holy Spirit will have come upon your life. It doesn’t matter what mistakes you did in the past, the Holy Spirit will wipe away all those mistakes. The Holy Spirit is your Helper, He will direct you in all your ways, and He will guide you and guard you.
When you have the Holy Spirit, even when they are going to attack you, He will warn you. He will give you details of how the attack will come, and you will be ready and prepared to overcome. You just need the Holy Spirit in your life. When you have the Holy Spirit, your life will change, your career will change, your marriage will change and everything about you will change.
When you have the Holy Spirit, you will not have failure in your life, you will not have disappointments, you will not have hardship. This is why I keep saying that you need the Holy Spirit. Refuse to live a without the Holy Spirit, because a life without the Holy Spirit is a life without the anointing.
God has promised me that He is going to lift you up today. He has assured me that in the next 3 months, you will drive that car that you want, you will live in the house that you want, your dream of many years will be fulfilled. All you have to do is call on the Holy Spirit. As you call upon the Holy Spirit, meditate on the following prophetic Scripture:
1 Samuel 2: 7 to 9 “Our Lord, you are the one who makes us rich or poor. You put some in high positions and bring disgrace on others. You lift the poor and homeless out of the garbage dump and give them places of honor in royal palaces. You set the world on foundations, and they belong to you. You protect your loyal people, but everyone who is evil will die in darkness.”
If someone touches you, the Holy Spirit will be concerned. If you become troubled, the Holy Spirit will be concerned. This is why you have to call on the Holy Spirit. Hear my words, write them in your heart, and get them in your head, You need the Holy Spirit, call Him and He will fill your life.
To God be the Glory