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You are a Brand of Heaven

The Bible tells us that God has created heaven and earth, and everything that is in the earth. Following that, God created a man with His own image. Therefore, each and every one of you should get the reality that you represent God here on earth. You are the brand of heaven. Whatever you do here on earth, represents the heaven. It represents God the Father. Today, I want you to have a full revelation of who you are: You are the brand of heaven.

The way you dress, the way you walk, the walk you speak should reflect the main brand, heaven. God has created you to enjoy all the good things of life. He has created you to look the best and to be the best in everything that you do. Do not walk as if you don’t understand who you are, but have confidence in who God has created you to be, the brand.

In Genesis 5, the Bible talks about a man called Enoch who used to walk with God. He represented God so much here on earth such that he became like God. Enoch never died, but he was taken by God to heaven. He was a good example of the real brand of God. That is how we should also be as children of God.

We should represent God in all His form here on earth. We should be able to walk with God. We should be able to bring heaven here on earth. But this is not the case with many Christians. Instead of representing the purity of heaven, many represent the opposite. They represent poverty, sicknesses and diseases.

The brand of heaven should be pure and represent its source – The Heaven. The brand of heaven is also durable. It is long lasting and it is never affected or influenced by false reality. It is as durable and resilient as the “All Star” tekkies. It is a kind of a canvas shoe which is very strong and tough, and it can withstand the test of time. That is why its price remains the same. Its price never goes down but remains consistent, no matter the area where you are buying it from. If you find it cheaper, you know that it’s a fake.

That is how we, as the brands of heaven should be like. We should be able to withstand the pressures of this world. We should not be affected by the challenges of life. We should represent the heaven, and we should be the true brands of heaven. We should be distinguished from the rest, because we have been created in God’s image.

But this is not what is happening today. We see people like us who are blessed by God, scared of taking chances and risks. They do not trust in themselves and they do not know who they are. Today we see people who are blessed being scared of living their lives, but those who are not blessed and are living in the world, they live fruitfully as if they are blessed.

People of God, you are blessed. You must therefore represent the heaven. You need to live the life of abundance as a representative of heaven. Just as Jesus Christ encouraged His disciples to live the life of abundance, it should also be the case with us {I came that they may have life and have it abundantly– John 10: 10}

In Genesis 1: 26, God said, “Now we will make humans, and they will be like us. We will let them rule the fish, the birds, and all other living creatures” So God created humans to be like Himself; He made men and women. God gave them His blessing and said, “Have a lot of children! Fill the earth with people and bring it under your control. Rule over the fish in the ocean, the birds in the sky, and every animal on the earth”

God has created us to be like Him. He created us in His image. Therefore, in whatever that you do, it should reflect God. God wants you to live the way He has created you with His image. God has blessed us entirely, and He has given us the authority to rule over everything.

However, it is not the case today. We see the animals taking control over humans. People use animals to exercise their wickedness. The animals today rule over humans, instead of humans ruling over them. We see people using animals to get “luck” or “power”.

We are the brand of God. God has created us in this world to represent Him. God gave some of you businesses so that you can represent Him here on earth. Some are created for different roles like worshipping, or being in position of leadership in Church. When you are the brand, know what kind of brand you are. Do not run around seeking wealth or possessions, you will end up with spiritualist. But just have faith and know that your Father owns everything on earth and in its fullness. Be the brand that God created you to be.

In Revelation 21:1 the Bible says “I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared, and so had the sea. Then I saw New Jerusalem, that holy city, coming down from God in heaven. It was like a bride dressed in her wedding gown and ready to meet her husband”.

The Bible says the heaven and the earth must agree to favour you. As a brand of heaven, representing God here on earth, you should be able to let the earth that you walk on to favour you. You must command the earth to produce. Just as the Book of Matthew 18: 18 says “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”. This must be your standard because you have been given authority. The earth and the heaven must be able to agree in favour of the image of God.

As the brand created in God’s image, command the floodgates of heaven to be opened for you and it will rain on you. We are not only the brand of heaven but we have also been given the key to open the doors of heaven. As a brand of God, there is originality in you. No one is able to make a counterfeit of you.

You are unique, and therefore there is no competition with you. For example, the business that God has given you cannot be copied anywhere else because you have been branded to live like that. As a brand of heaven, you are walking in favour of what you have been created for. Genesis 28: 15 says “wherever you go, I will watch over you, then later I will bring you back to this land. I won’t leave you—I will do all I have promised”.

In 1 Peter 3: 8-12 the Bible says, “Finally, all of you should agree and have concern and love for each other. You should also be kind and humble. Don’t be hateful and insult people just because they are hateful and insult you. Instead, treat everyone with kindness. You are God’s chosen ones, and he will bless you”. As the brand of heaven, created in the image of God, you must not do any evil against others. When other people talk bad about you, or insult you, you must not retaliate. The Bibles says “bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” – Luke 6:28.

Romans 8:17 says “His Spirit lets us know that together with Christ we will be given what God has promised. We will also share in the glory of Christ, because we have suffered with Him” As a brand of God, you need to live like Jesus did. And for you to live like Christ Jesus did, you need to have Him in you. This is the case when you need to receive the promises of God – you have to have Jesus in you. And when you have Jesus, do not mix Him with other things from spiritualists.

When you want to receive the fulfillment of God in your life, you need to make use of the Name of Jesus in truth. Do not use that Name in vain, but rather use it in truth and with authority. This is the promise that God wants you to have, because you are His brand created in His image.

Galatians 3: 29 says “So if you belong to Christ, you are now part of Abraham’s family, and you will be given what God has promised” You are the brand of heaven. When you belong to Christ you will receive what God has promised you. Be the brand of God here on earth. Represent God the Father, who created you in His image.

May God bless His Word

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