Love God and Love others by giving selflessly
In Matthew 22: 36-40 the Bible teaches us about the most important commandment that Jesus gave, and this is Love. Jesus was asked a question by one of the experts in Jewish Law. He asked the Lord: “Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the Law?” Jesus, knowing that the Jewesh leader wanted to test Him, responded by saying: Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is “Love others as much as you love yourself…”
If there is something that you love, you ensure that it becomes so dear and appealing to you. And when you love someone, she or he becomes so dear to you. But most importantly, when you love someone, you ensure that the person never experiences lack. You ensure that you give support to that person in their time of sorrow. When you love someone, you never want to disappoint them.
However, we as Christians are always disappointing God. We are not being faithful to the most important Person, whom we should love selflessly with our whole being and with whatever that we possess. We all know that when you love something or someone, that particular thing or a person will be close to your heart.
The same applies to God. If you really love Him, you would want to obey all that He says in His Word. I always say that many love God, but they don’t love Him enough to involve Him in their finances. They only love God when He blesses them. their love for Him is on their terms and not on His.
God also instructs us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. Therefore when you love your neighbour, you ensure that he or she gets food and all the basic necessities that you also enjoy. Therefore I am encouraging you children of God, that you must continue to support the Giving Ministry.
This is one of the Ministries which Changes Lives of many people. Groceries which you bring to Church make a big difference in the lives of those who cannot support themselves. I am appealing to you all my children, do not grow weary of Changing Lives, because thay shows that you love your neighbours. Continue the clothes that you do not need to the Giving Ministry. They will be beneficial for someone who really needs them.
By doing this, you will be honouring the commandment that God gave all of us: To love our neighbours. If you love your neighbour you would care and ensure that they have food on their table and they have clothes on their backs. I am saying again, people of God: We are Life Changers. We change lives, and the way that we change them is by way of giving.
We should not only be life changers only by talking, but we should demonstrate that by action. Faith goes with action. Therefore, let people see the works of faith in you.
Children of God it does not help to store in this world. The Bible says in Matthew 6:20 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroys and where the thieves break in and steal. But rather store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be”.
The Bible says rust and moth, as well as thieves will be there to destroy whatever that you are storing up on earth. When you lay your treasures here on earth, you will find yourself investing in schemes which are not reliable and somewhat unscrupulous. This will result in your loss, because you have invested in a wrong place. But when you invest in heaven, your treasures are guaranteed. Your benefits are already stored up for you.
Imagine when you get to heaven and you find that your store house is empty, and you look at your neighbours whose store houses are filled up to the bream. You will be asking yourself where you have been storing. And the answer will be that you have been storing for thieves.
Whatever that you think you have in this world, it does not really have an impact in heaven. In heaven, it does not matter who you are. In heaven, your status does not mean anything.
However, in heaven God will be concerned about how many of His instructions you obeyed. He will be looking at where you have accumulated your treasures. Do you have them in heaven or on earth?
When you want to have wealth, invest in wealth. But when you want to be close to God, invest in prayer. However, it does not help to be close to God but you do not obey His instructions. You want to be close to God but you do not involve Him in your finances.
I am making a plea unto you. This is the year of our reward from God. But we need to be faithful before we can get our reward from God. You need to plant before you can receive your harvest.
Be a good steward of God’s possessions. We are just managers in this world. We manage God’s belongings. Therefore, when you are a good manager, you will get a promotion, but if you are a bad manager your yields from God will not be pleasant.
God is the judge of everything, and He will judge us accordingly.
When you do not make your offerings or do not pay your tithe as required by God, you need to repent. Do not be like the children of Eli the Priest, who took offerings for themselves before they could even be presented unto God. Give God what is due unto Him, so that He can increase you more. Love your God more with your possessions, so that He can elevate you.
To God be the Glory