Sin delays your blessings
Why can't you see the blessings in your life? Don't you pray? Don't you fast? If you do, how come you don't see the blessings in your life? If you see blessings, they takes time to manifest. Many times we pray and we fast, we pray for blessings and God’s open doors in our lives. But we don’t receive blessings or breakthroughs.
How long does it take for those breakthroughs to come in your life? If these breakthrough take long, whose fault is it? Is it God's or is it the human being? When God created us, human beings, He created Adam and Eve and put them in the garden of Eden, meaning an environment of blessings.
God created them and placed them where their lives were supposed to be full of blessings, but while they were enjoying the blessing, something came. The thing that came brought an element that was not of God.
Many times we pray, many times we seek the face of God. But one thing remains is that we must understand the position that we are in when we pray. Sometimes we pray from a position of sin. You pray for blessing, not knowing that the enemy has attacked you with sin. Because the enemy, if he wants to defeat you, he doesn’t use any other thing but sin. When Adam and Eve fell short of righteousness with God, it was not because of a curse, it was not because of witches and wizard. It was because of sin.
Sin is what delays our blessings. How does it delay our blessings? The enemy will bring sin, the sin will move us from right standing with God, so that when we pray for what we desire, it’s not delayed by God. Its delayed by sin. In Isaiah 59:1& 2, the Bible says, “The Lord hasn’t lost His powerful strength; He can still hear and answer prayers. Your sins are the roadblock between you and your God. That’s why He doesn’t answer your prayers or let you see his face.”
In a roadblock, you will not pass without being searched, and they search you for things that are not worthy to be carried to the other side. Sin is a roadblock towards the blessings that God has prepared for you. In the book of Deuteronomy, He says “today I’m giving you a choice, choose between blessings and a curse”. Those blessing are supposed to overtake you. But those blessings are delayed by sin. Sin is a roadblock. Sin is a stumbling block to your blessings. Poverty is not a stumbling block. Witches and wizards are not a stumbling block.
Many of these demons that we command out of our lives today, they are because of sin. They are invited by sin. Where there is sin there is poverty. Where there is sin there is witches n wizards. Where there is no sin, you will not see such. Sin is a roadblock between you and God.
There was a time when the priest who was connecting people and God was no longer available. The Bible says people became obedient. Sin is the object that breaks the connection between man God. When there is no connection between man and God, there is no blessing. You can pray many times, but where there is no connection, between man and God, there is no blessing. Because the road that transport blessings has been cut.
The devil uses sin to delay our blessings. The devil is using sin to distract us and to discourage us. He is using sin to block our blessings. Sin delays our blessings. So it’s not that your prayer is weak, but change your position. Are you still in uprightness with God? because you can pray the right prayer from a wrong position. If you pray the right prayer, in a wrong position, the prayer is not a fault, but the position is a fault. The prayer is correct, but the position where you are standing is not correct.
When there is sin, you will never see the face of God. Now we see why God did not want Moses to see His face. Because Moses was leading people who at that time were not in right standing with God. If they were in right standing with God, they would have seen the face of God. But because of sin, we cannot see God. This means that when you are in sin, even if God can bring a blessing, you will not see the blessing.
When there is sin, a Man of God will come and prophesy, releasing your things, but you will not see. Declarations from the Man of God will be released, but you will never see them. Because there is a block, even when God speaks you will not hear. Because of sin. Sin makes you blind.
In Psalms 32:1 & 2, the Bible says “Our God, you bless everyone, whose sins you forgive and wipe away. You bless them by saying, “You told me your sins, without trying to hide them, and now I forgive you.” The only time where there will be blessings is only when sins are wiped away.
In verse 6 of the same Psalm 32, the Bible continues to say “We worship you, Lord, and we should always pray whenever we find out that we have sinned. Then we won’t be swept away by a raging flood.” Do you see that the problem is not with prayer, because even when we sin, God says we must pray. Sin is like a flood, it destroys everything. If a flood can come now, it will destroy everything it comes into contact with.
Sin is like a raging flood, it flows by destruction. No matter how beautiful, it doesn’t care about the beauty, it wipes away all beauty. It destroys. God today is teaching us to look at the right direction. Sin is the foundation of all these poverties. If there was no sin there would be no witches and wizards. Poverty is a child of sin. Witches and wizard are a product of sin.
But as children of God we must decide what we need to avoid. Are we going to avoid witches and wizard or the root cause. Because God is teaching us today, to know the root cause. The root cause for your prayer not to be answered is sin. The root cause for you not to see the face of God is sin. Sin delays your blessings.
In Romans 4:8“God blesses people whose sins are forgiven and whose evil deeds are forgotten. The Lord blesses people whose sins are erased from his book. The Lord blesses people whose sins are erased from his book.” If we understand that sin is the root cause, we will live and walk differently after today. Sin is what makes us to be evil. When you see someone who is evil, evil did not give birth to its self. But sin gave birth to evil, sin is a spirit that produces actions, that we call evil.
The reason why today we call Lucifer evil, is because of sin. He thought he was equal to God. Because it’s a sin to think you are equal to God. That sin caused him to misbehave. Sin is a spirit that manifests in evil. Sin is what causes you to be bitter or to have anger. Anger is evil, because when you are angry you start treating people bad. Hatred is evil. Sin causes us to be evil. What you see on the surface, comes from underground.
In Zachariah 8:1 to 4, we learn that God is not angry with you because you have sinned, but He is angry because He hates evil. If God hated you because of the sin, there wouldn’t be a remission of sins. God hates sin, but He hates evil the more. Evil is matured sin. There is nowhere in the Bible where Ge says I will forgive your evil. He forgives sin. If you don’t leave sin, you cut blessings. The enemy of blessing is sin. When there is no sin, there is blessing. When there is sin, there is no blessing.
Joshua the high priest, was in hell because of sin, but God gave him a second chance to a brighter future. When he was given a second chance, the devil was mad, because he wanted to use his sin against him. If there is something that the devil can use against you, it’s not poverty, it’s not lack or bareness. Its sin. If the devil wants to throw you in a deep dark hole, he uses sin. He was angry when God gave Joshua the high priest a second chance.
The enemy uses our sin so that we should not receive our blessing. when the devil was chased out of heaven he was chased out of the blessings of God, now he doesn’t want anyone else to receive the blessings. How many times have you been prayed for, check yourself, what is delaying your breakthrough?
Sin is the one that delays you. Delay is very painful. How will you feel if at the age of 80 you are told that you were supposed to have a big fancy car? That is what sin does, it will delay the birth of your breakthrough. Sin uses a terrible instrument, called delay.
In Zechariah 3:1 to 4, the Bible says “ I was given another vision. This time Joshua the high priest was standing in front of the Lord’s angel. And there was Satan, standing at Joshua’s right side, ready to accuse him. But the Lord said, “Satan, you are wrong. Jerusalem is my chosen city, and this man was rescued like a stick from a flaming fire.” Joshua’s clothes were filthy. So the angel told some of the people to remove Joshua’s filthy clothes. Then he said to Joshua, “This means you are forgiven. Now I will dress you in priestly clothes.”
Sin will delay your blessings if you are not the chosen of God. But when you are the chosen, when you see sin you will run from the sin to God. This is what God says, “satan you are wrong, Jerusalem is my chosen city”. It doesn’t matter how much you have sinned, but if you go back to the Father and ask for forgiveness and surrender, sin will not delay you.
You are the chosen one. Sin will delay your blessing, but if you are a child whom when you see sin you run to the father, your outcome will be different. Regardless of whatever accusation, you are still the chosen. There is no situation, that will make fall short of the grace of your father. As long as when you see sin you run to your father.
The Bible says “He purified them and cleansed them”, to show the devil that sin cannot delay the chosen. If you repent, sin cannot delay you. If only you will repent, you will not be a subject of delay, but you will be a subject of acceleration. If you are obedient, you will not be a subject of delay. The key factor is obedience. If you are willing and obedient, sin will never delay you.
To God be the Glory.