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Support the annointing

Today I am going to talk to you about the importance of supporting the anointing in the House of God. Last week I told you that this year, you need to associate yourself with people who support you and improve your life. You must be able to associate with people who can turn out to be the greatest blessing in your life. If you also want to receive blessings from God, you need to separate yourself from people who would not add value to your life.

When God was about to bless Abraham, He instructed him to part ways with Lot. It couldn’t have been easy for Abraham, because Lot was his brother and he loved him, but Abraham obeyed God. This is why today we read about Abraham as a friend of God, because he associated himself with angels and God. Many of you are failing to be friends with God, because you want to be a friend of God and at the same time you want to be friends with the world.

In 1Kings 19:19, we read about the time when Prophet Elijah chose Elisha to become his assistant. The Bible says “ Elijah left and found Elisha ploughing a field with a pair of oxen. There were eleven other men in front of him, and each one was also ploughing with a pair of oxen. Elijah went over and put his own coat on Elisha. Elisha stopped ploughing and ran after him. “Let me kiss my parents good-by, then I’ll go with you,” he said. “You can go,” Elijah said. “But remember what I’ve done for you.” Elisha left and took his oxen with him. He killed them and boiled them over a fire he had made with the wood from his plough. He gave the meat to the people who were with him, and they ate it. Then he left with Elijah and became his assistant”.

From this Scripture, we notice that Elisha was a businessman but he was called by God to support the anointing upon Elijah because Gehazi, who used to be the servant of Elijah had failed to support the anointing upon Elijah. When Elisha was chosen, he did not hesitate to accept the call of God, and to follow Elijah, in fact he left his business, he took everything that he had, sold it and gave it to the people.

He Followed Elijah, did everything that he was told to do with all his heart and was committed to the anointing that he supported. As a result, he received a double portion of the Elijah’s anointing. Gehazi also was a servant of Elijah, but he never received the anointing of Elijah. Why? Because he failed to support the anointing, along the way he became disobedient to Elijah.

We have a lot of people like Gehazi in the church today. They say they want to serve God by supporting the anointing of His servants, but they cannot commit 100% to supporting the anointing. Today people say they want to support the anointing but they cannot be faithful to that same anointing, they cannot obey that anointing and they do whatever they want whenever they want. Then at the end, just like Gehazi, the anointing does not work for them.

We have heard it so many times that the anointing that you respect and honour, is the anointing that will work for you. Elisha honoured Elijah, that is why he ended up with a double portion of his anointing. He left everything that mattered to him to follow Elijah, including his parents. Even Jesus says in Luke 14: 33 “So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own”.

I want to teach you to support the anointing so that it can work for you. When you want to support the anointing, you must 1st leave everything of your past so that you can move with the anointing. Leave your past associations and friends that do not add value to the anointing that you want to support. Commit yourself fully to the anointing, obey the anointing and serve with a pure heart and expect nothing in return. When you expect nothing in return, God will reward you richly.

Joshua also knew how to support an anointing. He supported the anointing upon the life of Moses, not knowing that he will end up succeeding Moses to lead the children of Israel into to Canaan. Joshua did what he was told to do without asking questions and without complaining. When Moses told him the mind of God, he did not question him, but believed, at the end, he was rewarded when God called him to take over from Moses.

Today we have many Christians who cannot even commit to one anointing. They run around churches like there is no tomorrow. When they hear of a certain powerful Man of God, they run to him and they neglect the anointing which covers them. In this way they end up falling into the wrong hands, and then they don’t know where to turn to.

Some of you support various other anointing’s and are not faithful to the anointing that God has placed in your life through your Prophet, that is why there is no testimony. When you want the anointing to work for you, you should obey your spiritual leader. Do not run from one place to another, chasing miracles, signs wonders and prophecy, but rather seek salvation and you will see the manifesting of God’s power in your life.

The Bible says in John 15:7 “Stay joined to me and let my teachings become part of you. Then you can pray for whatever you want, and your prayer will be answered” If the Word of God is not part of you, you are not going anywhere. You must be able to know the anointing you are supporting. People will try to take you out of the pool of anointing. People will ask you: “Are you still with Prophet Rodney? Come let me take you to so and so for breakthrough” People will come and influence you, but it is at this time that you have to know which anointing you are supporting.

You will find that the person, who is trying to take you out of the current anointing, does not even have testimony himself or herself – they are suffering from the spirit of Gehazi. You will find that the person who is trying to influence you to come out of this anointing is even suffering from poverty. He or she is even borrowing from you.

This is the year of “yes” to greener pastures. Do not allow anything or anyone to cause you to miss your greener pastures by taking you out of the anointing. Even if you have not yet testified, even when you are in the midst of disappointments, stay in the anointing, in the end, it will not fail you, you will receive your breakthrough. Do not be shaken the a storms you encounter on your way to your breakthrough. Keep supporting the anointing, it will take you to your destiny.

Elisha was so faithful to the anointing that he supported to a point where the anointing even worked for him when he was dead. When you support the anointing, do not speak against it. It would not work for you. When you say that you support the anointing of Prophet Rodney, do not speak ill of the Prophet. Do not event speak bad about his wife, and the ministry. Just serve and support.

In 2 Peter 1:19 the Bible says: “All of this makes us even more certain that what the prophets said is true. So you should pay close attention to their message, as you would to a lamp shining in some dark place. You must keep on paying attention until daylight comes and the morning star rises in your hearts” When you want the anointing to work for you, pay attention until you receive your testimony. In closing, support the anointing so that the anointing work for you.

To God be the Glory.

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