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Be Victoriously dressed

You all got the message that you must wear all white today. This is not a fashion statement but rather a prophetic action as we start the new year. Yes, I got the revelation from the Lord to instruct you to wear all white for the 1st Sunday of the year, because white represents purity. So we must start the year in purity.

The Lord spoke to me further to say, the dress code is VICTORIOUSLY WHITE. Yes, you have been given victory, this is why God says “you are victoriously dressed in white”. So as you are wearing your white clothes, you are declaring and confirming what the Lord has said about you. You are victorious.

In Revelation 3:5 the Bible says, “Everyone who wins the victory will wear white clothes. Their names will not be erased from the Book of life, and I will tell my Father and His angels that they are my followers”. And in verse 12, it says “ Everyone who wins the victory will be made into a pillar in the Temple of my God, and they will stay there forever. I will write on each of them the name of my God and the name of His city. It is the new Jerusalem that my God will send down from heaven. I will also write on them my own new name. If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches”.

During the cross over service I said, that God is taking you to your greener pastures, but you will not just sail smoothly to your greener pastures, you will come across Goliath, but one thing remains, you will be victorious. Because today your garments reflect the guarantee that God is giving you of victory.

When you come across your Goliath, do not be afraid, just keep your focus on the greener pastures and remember what the Bible says about those who win the victory. Remember that when you have won you will be a pillar in the Temple of God, and you will stay there forever. Your Goliath will come in the form of challenges to your testimony, but I want to tell you, don’t give up when you see Goliath, just remember that victory is guaranteed.

We all know that to get victory you must engage in battle and conquer, but I want to tell you today that you will not fight the battle yourself, but Jesus Christ will fight for you and conquer for you. It will be like the time when Jesus conquered death. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to His tomb to anoint His dead body, but on their arrival they were shocked by an angel from heaven who was dressed in all white.

The angel rolled the stone of the tomb and told them the that Jesus had risen from the dead and because Jesus conquered death, “the angel looked as bright as lightning, and his clothes were white as snow”(Mathew 28:3). The white clothes worn by the angel symbolised victory. It signified that Jesus had conquered death and was victorious over the grave.

We are like the angel, every stone in the way of your breakthrough will be rolled away. You will be dressed in white, because of the battle that Jesus Christ has conquered. Jesus fought for us and He conquered, and we are the beneficiaries of the victory. Even if the world rejects you, you must know that God has made you a beneficiary of the victory. This is why you are victoriously dressed in white today. Even Jesus Himself was dressed in white when He rose from the dead. Because white is the colour of victory. When you wear all white, you are claiming your position of victory in Christ Jesus.

You will experience victory in each and every area of your life. You will experience victory in your marriage, you will experience victory in your finances, you will experience victory in your career, even in your business you will experience victory. Because Jesus has conquered for you. When you have victory, you will have a new Name, because Jesus Christ says “I will write on them my own new name’( Revelations 3:12”).

In Ecclesiastes 9:8, the Amplified version says “Let your clothes always be white [with purity], and do not let the oil [of gladness] be lacking on your head”. Now that you are victoriously dressed in white, keep your garments white with purity. Do not allow the challenges of life to defile your clothes. Yes, problems are part and parcel of life, but you are guaranteed victory.

In Revelation 7: 13-17 the Bible says ‘one of the elders asked me, “Do you know who these people are that are dressed in white robes? Do you know where they come from? Sir, I answered, “you must know.” Then he told me: “These are the ones who have gone through the great suffering. They have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and have made them white”.

Some of you have been through much suffering, but today I speak under the anointing of God: Victory is yours in Jesus’ Name. The Word of God further says “And so they stand before the throne of God and worship Him in His temple day and night. The one who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them”. This means that Jesus who has already taken up His position of victory, will bring covering unto you. We are the inhabitants of heaven and Jesus is stretching his tent to cover and protect us because we have suffered.

This year, you are dressed in white and you must not mingle with people who will not add value into your life. In as much as there are people who are meant to bring blessings into your life, there are also people who are meant to bring misery into your life. Therefore, be wise in choosing the type of people that you associate with.

I conclude with Isaiah 49: 9-10 “You will set prisoners free from dark dungeons to see the light of day. On their way home, they will find plenty to eat, even on barren hills. They won’t go hungry or get thirsty; they won’t be bothered by the scorching sun or hot desert winds. I will be merciful while leading them along to streams of water”. This is God’s promise for the year to all who are dressed victoriously in white.

Hold on to this promise of God, it will not fail you. It will come to pass and will be a blessing to your entire family even to the next generation.

To God be the Glory.

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