God will give you a sign
I just want to say to you I’m so blessed to be a Life Changer. I was so happy to see the joy of all those who received our gifts in Limpopo. I now realised that it is in deed more blessed to give than to receive. I want to tell you that the people to whom we gave, are prayer warriors, they pray without ceasing, and they will also pray for us, because we have changed their lives.
They will make mention of us in their prayers every time they see our gifts and thank God for us. This is why people who give are always blessed. Because the receiver of the gift thanks God and mentioned them in their prayer. Truly it is great blessing to be able to change a person’s life trough giving.
By this I want to encourage you to be a giver and if you are already a giver to continue to give. Some of you want to give, but instead you keep postponing and thinking, “I will give next week, I will give next month”, not knowing that by withholding your gift, you are delaying your own blessings.
Most of you don’t know the power of giving. Your giving can change the entire atmosphere. Your giving can change your difficult situation into a miracle. Understand that when you give, you touch the Heart of God. Some of your breakthroughs were not a result of your prayer, but the result of your giving. Understand me well, I’m not saying that you must not pray, I’m saying understand the power of giving.
We are now in the festive season, and I want to encourage you to enjoy the festive by giving. Do something little for someone in need this festive season. Buy food for someone who is hungry. We all know that when we go to the shops there are people who help us park cars and sometimes we see people begging on the streets, buy something to eat for them, and see what God will do in your life.
When you are a giver, you are a problem solvers. Yes, you solve problems of those who do not have by giving them the little that you have. You might think it’s not much, but God will value your gift, and the person who receives it will also appreciate it. I give because I have realised that God Himself is a giver. And the more we give, the more we become like Him.
This brings me to the message of the day, “God will give you a sign”. In Acts 9:36, we read about a woman called Tabitha, also known as Dorcas, who was well known for her generosity and her giving in the city of Joppa where she lived. She gave to the poor and to the needy, she took care of widows and orphans. Dorcas died and her death brought so much grief to the people of her city, especially the poor and the widows whom were blessed by her gifts.
The Bible also tells us that when Dorcas died, her body was not buried, but it was washed and placed in an upstairs room. When the people of Joppa heard that Peter, the Man of God was in a nearby city, they called him to come urgently and pray for Dorcas. Peter had never raised anybody from the dead, yes he had prayed for the sick and cast out demons, but he never raised anyone from the dead.
But when he heard all the good works of Dorcas, he knew that he had to come and pray for her dead body. The Bible also tells us that when Peter arrived at the house of Dorcas, he found many widows crying, and they showed him all the coats that Dorcas had made for them. This is why I always say your gifts will speak for you. Because it was these gifts that Dorcas made for the widows that spoke for her.
Peter prayed for Dorcas and she was raised back to life. He then presented her back to the people alive. If Dorcas had not been a giver, she would have been buried, and the Man of God would have not been called to pray for her and she would not have been raised to life. Do you see the power of giving children of God? Do you see what your gift can do for you?
I tell you give, and God will show you a sign. I don’t know what sign you are expecting from God, but I know that when you give, God will always show you the sign that you need to see. The Bible also tells us about a man named Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20, He became sick and almost died. At this time, the Lord sent the Prophet Isaiah to tell him to put his house in order as he was not going to recover from his sickness.
When Hezekiah heard that he was going to die, he turned towards the wall and cried to the Lord, He said “ Don’t forget that I have been faithful to you Lord. I have obeyed you will all my heart and I do whatever you say is right.” The Lord heard the cry of Hezekiah, and added 15 more years to his life.
But Hezekiah wanted a sign that the Lord was going to heal him. And because he was faithful to God, God showed him a sign, and made the shadow of the sun go back 10 times on the staircase of the house. I don’t know if you are still with me children of God, I don’t know if you understand what God did for Hezekiah, but God gave him a sign that he will live 15 more years.
God made the shadow of the sun go back 10 times. How possible is that that? But with God nothing is impossible. I want to tell you child of God that if you continue to give FAITHFULLY, God will show you a sign, yes God will reverse all those years of your suffering, just as He reversed the years of Hezekiah.
Lazarus was another man that was raised back from the dead. If God can raise people from the dead, how much can He do for you? How much more can He change your situation? I want to tell you that your faithful giving, will cause God to remember you in times of trouble. Your faithful giving will cause the mercy of God to fall upon your situation and your life.
When you give faithfully, you give not because you want to be enriched, but you give to change someone’s life. When you give to change the lives of the people around you, you will ask God for any sign and He will show it to you. Because your giving will advocate for you before God. Ask yourself now, “What is it that you have given so that it can speak for you?”.
What is the your gift that can speak for you when you can no longer speak for yourself? What gift have you given? Can it speak for you and your family? The magnitude of your gift must not be to speak for you alone, but to speak for your family as well. Hezekiah reminded God about his faithful good deeds of giving. He pleaded with God to spare his life because he has been a faithful giver.
This is why lived 15 more years. Your giving can also change your circumstances, when you were about to die, your giving can cause God to reverse your years and bring back all your good years. In numbers 23:19, the Bible tells us that, God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He can change His mind.
But in the case of Hezekiah, God changed His mind. Why? Because he was a faithful giver. Through your giving and your good heart, God can change His mind about your situation. When we talk about giving, we are not necessarily talking only about money, but also the things that you do out of your good heart.
There are people who give but their hearts are not good. Therefore, what you are doing now in giving, you should do it with a good heart and with good intentions. Do not take pride in what you give, otherwise you will be giving out of yourself not to the glory of God. You need to give and forget. When you give out of pride, the prayer you would make in times of trouble will not save you because you did not give to glorify God but yourself.
Children of God, do you think that time has passed you by? Do you think that you will never achieve your dreams? God can reverse the time just for you to achieve what you have always dreamt of. Even if you had long given up on your dream, God can reverse the moment just for you to achieve it. Just as you have given up on your marriage, employment or career, God can reverse the moment and the situation can change. In a second, God reversed the moment of Hezekiah by adding fifteen more years in his life. That is why there is no time in God. God is timeless. In a second, God can change your life for the better.
God is able to reverse the seconds of your life so that you achieve what could have achieved many years ago. You look at your age and you think that you do not qualify for God to change your situation. But let me tell you today: God can reverse it. It might be the year 2016, but for you it will be 2006. God can take you back to a time where you have failed and bring success in your life. Hezekiah’s time was up, but God reversed the time for him and he was able to continue to enjoy life.
All you have to do is continue giving, continue being faithful to God, and continue to look unto Jesus the source of your life.
To God be the Glory.