Words of wisdom on prayer
Many of you are failing in prayer because you think that when you pray, you must pray at a specific time and in a specific way. Some of you think that the effective prayer is one offered at midnight while you are down on your knees. Some of you go to the extent of setting alarm clocks so that they can help you to wake up and pray.
When you wake up at that time of the night and start to pray you are still half asleep and sometimes you don’t even hear what you are saying because your body is still asleep. Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and pray but instead of saying amen, you find yourself asleep, when you wake up, you wake up to say “amen” do you want to tell me that you think that is an effective prayer?
I want to tell you that an effective prayer is one where your heart confesses Christ. You may pray anywhere, anytime and anyhow, as long as your heart is confessing Christ. Your heart will only confess Christ when you are in an attitude of prayer. You may be watching TV at night, but still be in an attitude of prayer, confessing Christ and pleading the Blood of Jesus upon your children and your house.
If you wait and think you will pray when you get in bed, you might be not get to pray. Because when you get in bed you will be distracted, maybe by your children, by a phone call or a message. Some of you get in bed and start chatting on Facebook and start updating your status, and checking in. by the time you want to pray, you are exhausted.
But when you are in an attitude of prayer, when you go to bed you are already in prayer and you will not fall asleep. You will just continue pleading the Blood of Jesus, and praying in the spirit. When you sleep, you sleep in an attitude of prayer. When you wake up in the middle of the night, you wake up empowered to continue with the prayer.
This is why when you are in an attitude of prayer, no demon can overpower you in the dream, because when you are attacked, you will call on the Name of Jesus and the power of God will be manifested. But some of you call on the Name of Jesus, but there is no manifestation of power? Why, because you are not in an attitude of prayer.
When you are in an attitude of prayer, and you happen to wake up in the middle of the night and you want to go to the bathroom, the first thing that will come to your mind is prayer. You continue praying as you go to the bathroom, you continue praying as you do your business in the bathroom and you continue praying as you go back to bed.
In this way, you will not fail in your relationship with God, and you will not fail in your prayer life. Because you will be praying without ceasing.
God bless you as you remain in an attitude of prayer.