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The Word of a Prophet is Yes and Amen

A prophet does not speak on his own accord, but he speaks only what come from God. This is why a prophet is also called the mouth piece of God. We also know that the Word of God will never fail, because the Bible says His promises are yes and Amen. If a prophet speaks from God, it means he speaks the Words of God, and it means the words of the prophet are also yes and amen.

In 2 Kings 4 we read about the Shunamite woman, who honoured Elisha as a prophet of God. The Bible tells us that this woman went to the extent of even building a room on her rooftop for Elisha. The actions of the Shunamite woman touched Elisha, and provoked a prophetic declaration, so he wanted to do something for the woman. When he asked the woman what favour she needed, the woman said because she lives among her own people and she has everything that she needs, she did not need any favour from the Man of God.

But Elisha later learnt that the woman did not have a child, he called her into his room and told her “by this time next year, you will have a son”. This was a prophetic declaration upon the life of the Shunamite woman. She did not believe it because she was old and her husband was old. But the word of the prophet is always yes and amen. The next year that same time, the woman had a baby boy.

I believe that this woman had already given up on having a child, she was old and her husband was old. I believe that she had already stopped praying to God about having a child. This is why when the Man of God said she would have a child, she said “you are a Man of God, please don’t lie to me”(verse 16). But the word of the prophet never fails, no matter what the circumstances.

It’s like many of you here, you have been praying to God about a particular thing for many, years, even todays you still have not received your answer, you have prayed, you have fasted, and now you are about to give up. When you look at your circumstances, there is no hope, instead your situation keeps getting worse. Well I’m here to declare and decree that your answer will come, do not give up.

If a prophet of God has spoken upon your life, that prophecy will come to pass. Even if it can delay, it shall come to pass. When a prophet makes a declaration into your life, it shall come to pass. All you have to do is continue to do good. Do not stop doing good. The Bible tells us that the Shunamite woman kept doing good for Elisha, she did not know that her good works would provoke a prophetic declaration.

God has sent me as a prophet into your life, to make a declaration, and I want to tell you today, that the declaration that I will be making will come to pass. Some of you were already discouraged and have stopped asking God for your breakthrough, but I want to tell you that you will receive your breakthrough. You will receive your miracle. Because the word of the prophet is yes and amen.

I want to encourage you to hold on to the prophetic declaration that I’m going to make in your life. Because it will come to pass. Yes your situation might make it seem as if there is no hope, but the word of the prophet breaks all barriers of hope. What is it that you are looking for? is it promotion at work? Is it breakthrough for your marriage? I want to tell you that your prayers of many years were not lost, and what you have been trusting God for, will come to pass by a prophetic declaration.

The Bible tells us that the son to the Shunamite woman later died. Because she knew the power of a prophetic declaration, she did not burry him, instead she went straight to the prophet (verse 22). When Elisha saw the woman approaching from a distance, he sent his servant to ask if everything is alright with her and her family. And because the woman knew that her matter demanded no body other than the prophet she told the servant that “everything is fine”.

In verse 28, we read the woman’s words to the prophet, she said “sir, I begged you not get my hopes up, and I didn’t even ask you for a son”. When Elisha tried to send his servant to the woman’s house to go pray for the woman’s son, the woman refused, to go with the servant and demanded to go with the prophet. Why? Because she knows that the words of the prophet are yes and amen. She knew that because her miracle came by a prophetic declaration, it can only be brought back by prophetic declaration.

It’s like most of you here whose miracles and breakthrough came by prophetic declaration. When those miracles die, do not look left, do not look right, but go straight to the prophet. The very same prophet who made a declaration that that your breakthrough must come, will make another declaration and your breakthrough will come back to life.

The Bible tells us in verse 32 to 35 that Elisha went and had contact with the dead boy, and he came back to life, and he presented the boy back to his mother alive. And I stand here as a prophet of God, ready to speak life into your situation, ready to speak life into your career and ready to speak life into your marriage, and to present it back to you alive.

All you need to do is to just believe, believe that the word of the prophet is yes and amen, believe that the God who commissioned me as a prophet will not fail you, believe that the God by whose Name I will declare, will do it for you just as he did it for the Shunanite woman through the Prophet Elisha.

To God be the glory

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