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Worship God in Spirit and in Truth

Worshipping God is the most import part of our fellowship with God. When we worship God, we acknowledge who He is in our lives and we express our love and appreciation to Him. When we take time to worship God, we cause His love to overflow into our lives. There is no way you can call yourself a child of God, but not worship God. If you do not worship Him, then you are not from Him.

Many today fill their prayers with supplications and requests, and they neglect the most important part of prayer, which is worshiping God. You don’t have to understand your act of worship, all you have to do is lift up your hands and surrender to Him. If you happen to cry when you worship, don’t question why you are crying, but continue to pour your heart out to the Lord.

God has created us to worship Him, and if we do not worship God we are living outside our purpose. We need to worship God from the bottom of our hearts, and we need to worship God with all our faculties. We must worship God in good times and bad times alike. We cannot allow our situations to stop us from worshiping God.

Lucifer was a true worshipper of God before he was thrown out of Heaven and became the devil. Every time that he was worshipping God, He would see the manifestation of God’s Glory. Through worshipping, he got so much revelation about God. He realised that for God to move and perform miracles and wonders, He needed to be worshiped.

It is because of the wonders of worship, that Lucifer began to see himself as an equal to God. He began to rebel against God and also influenced one third of the angels in Heaven (Hebrews 12:22). This caused Lucifer and those angels to be being rejected by God and to be cast out from Heaven. Lucifer has now become the devil and those rejected angels are his demons. Even today, they still use music to carry out their devilish and demonic deeds.

There are Angels of God in Heaven who are worshipping God day and night they don’t stop worshiping God, but they sing with loud voices and they shout "Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD Almighty”. If angels can worship God day and night, how much more those of us who are His children? We should also worship God at all times.

In 1Chronicles 29: 10-13, we read about how David danced and sang praises to the Lord in front of everyone. All Christians should develop an attitude of praising God and worshipping Him no matter who is watching and no matter where they are. We need to worship God in truth and in Spirit, because the Bible says those are the kind of worshipers that He seeks.

Sometimes we ask too much and give less praise and worship to God. This is why so many have lost their breakthroughs. Some of you do not testify because you don’t worship God, and when you don’t see breakthrough you start blaming the man of God. I want to tell you child of God, worship God, and do not get discouraged even if you do not get what you want now.

Worship God even when you are sick, because that very same disease, many have died from it. Worship God even when you are in pain, because when you worship God, you show Him that you have faith that He will heal you. When you worship God in truth and in spirit, God will cleanse you and forgive you of your past sins. Jesus also forgave the prostitute because she worshipped Him.

You should worship God so that when He sees you, He sees a blessing. But, instead, most of you your hearts are full of complains. Even when you are blessed, you are still complaining and making requests and petitions to God. When you are always full of requests, the devil will get an opportunity to deceive you.

I am not saying that you must not pray, because the Bible says “in all things make your requests known to God”. But I’m saying that in your prayer, praise and worship God also. Honour God so that He can honour you. In Psalm 150: 6, the Bible says “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

In John 4:24, the Bible says “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in Truth and in Spirit.” What does it mean to worship God in truth and in spirit? It means you surrender yourself and all your faculties to God when you worship Him. You are not mindful of who is watching you or what is happening to another person, and you become unconscious to your surroundings.

David always sang songs to God, he praised Him by dancing, singing and playing various music instruments. This is why God said about him, “he is a man after my own heart”. When we worship God in truth and in spirit, we discover the heart of God. When we know the heart of God, no demon can ever stand against us, and we will be more that conquerors in all situations.

God bless you as you worship Him.

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