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Under the covering of LCMN

There is so much covering in this Church. And this is something I don’t like to talk about, but today I am forced to talk about it. When you are here, you are covered. I have noticed other people starting to backslide and stay at home and no longer come to church. And once they start to stay at home, they begin to experience different kinds of challenges. The covering of this church only works for those who follow it. For those who are coming here to fellowship and have not yet testified, do not loose heart because your being here is a testimony in itself. When you are here, you are under the covering that is so powerful. Do not look at how many times you give testimony, but you must know that for you to be here, you are under a great covering.

  1. We have heard testimonies about the anointed picture which was revealed to me by God. This anointed picture has not been distributed yet, but we will be distributing it by order. If you want one you speak to the ushers at the info desk and they will take down your details. We are not going to print many copies and make them available, rather we will print as per order.

  2. In Exodus 12: 1-13 we read about the medium of the blood of the lamb that was applied by the children of Israel on their door posts in order for God, to Passover their houses when He destroyed the 1st borns of Egypt. This shows us that God can use many different mediums. In our case, the Lord is going to use the medium of the anointed picture to manifest His power in your homes or where ever you put this picture. You need to understand that we are not worshipping any medium and we are not worshiping the anointed picture.

  3. There is a revelation given to me by God behind this anointed picture. This picture has been anointed by God to fight all evil spirits in your homes. In this day and age, we cannot sacrifice animals and put the blood on our door posts, but if you put this picture by faith in your house, God will fight for you with the anointing that is in it. Any demon in your family which you cannot fight on your own, will be destroyed by the anointing that is in this medium.

  4. The other medium of God is the anointed water. Bottled water that you buy at the shop and bring to me for payer also carries so much anointing. The anointing found in this medium of water will bring deliverance and healing to you. This anointed water will also help you when you want to be in prayer by fasting. You take the anointed water 1st thing in the morning when you fast, even if you are a person that could not finish your fasting, on the day that you took the anointed water, you will finish your fasting. When you want to do the things of the spirit, you need to get the resources of the spirit, and this anointed water is one of them.

  5. The anointed water is not like the water that comes out of your tap, or the water that you buy from the shop. The difference is that the anointing water was prayed for according to the Word of God and therefore it carries the power of God. You need to get that anointed water and administer it by faith and you will see the manifestation of God’s power. This water is also anointed to fight witchcraft in your homes. God wants to do something in your lives. Therefore, do not take for granted the mediums that God uses to help you.

  6. Some people are having reservations about water being used by God as His medium. You cannot question the medium of God. God reveals the mediums which He uses to His servants, the prophets. He reveals them to help restore and deliver His people. So, do not question the mediums God chooses to use to bless His children. My God is a God of excellence. This medium of anointed water is used by God to cleanse you of all of your sicknesses.

  7. When you have a problem do not be afraid to come to me and tell me. Sometimes there might be a problem which you have been praying about, but it still persists. When that happens come to me as your father and tell me. When you have a pain which does not go away after you have prayed for so many times, do not hesitate to come to me. I am not the healer, but I will introduce your problem to the Healer, His Name is Jesus Christ.

  8. When you come to me with your problems, I will pray to God who is able to heal you. So, do not hesitate to use me. I am here to serve you, as I am the servant of Lord. You are under the great covering in this house, and please make use of this covering that you have. If you are the son of this house, you can bring any form of problem to me as your father and I will pray to God about it to get it sorted out. We are still in the Month of Yes, and I believe that God has something great to do in your lives.

God bless you as you become wiser.

To God be the glory

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