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Destroy all evil alters so that God can bless you

Today is going to be your Prophetic History! Before we get to the prophetic service, we are going to make a prayer. The prayer is based in the Book of 2Chronicles 33: 1-7. In this Book we read about Josiah who became the king of Judah when he was eight years old. During his reign the people of Judah and Jerusalem used to worship idols and they had even built up altars where they worship their false gods. But in the eighth year of his rule when he was wiser, Josiah began to seek the God of his father David.

The Bible says that King Josiah began to destroy all the altars and the idol images. He even burned the bones of the pagan priests who used to serve at those altars. He went to the surrounding cities of Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon and Naphtali to destroy all the altars and the idols.

This evening we also need to destroy whatever evil altars that are in our lives. I am talking about the evil altars that we know and those that we do not know. Many of you when you pray you concentrate on destroying the present altars that you see now. Those are the altars that cause you delay in your career, disappointments, limitation and hardship in your lives.

But you forget that where you come from, there are evil altars from your birth place, that affect your life, but you neglect to pray and destroy them. Many of you will be going home during this festive season and you are going to encounter ancestral ceremonies which are another form of sacrificing for idols. Although you would not participate in those ceremonies because you are a Christian, you would contribute with your money not knowing that you are also taking part in idol worship.

By contributing with your money, you are afflicting yourself. This is why you find that what you are praying to God for does not come to pass, because you are participating in the cup of the demons. In 1Corinthians 10:21, the Bible says “you cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup of demons too; you cannot have part in the Lord’s table and also at the table of the demons”.

It is important that when you pray to God to bless you, you must 1st destroy all evil altars that are in surrounding your life. Some of you are now saved and are born again, but are you are still keeping idolatrous and demonic objects in your homes. Some of those items have been passed from generation to generation and they are now been given to you as a gift which belonged to your great grandparent, and you are still holding on to it. That is an idolatrous and demonic possession you have and you need to destroy it. God cannot bless you while you still associate with idols.

Some of you know that you in your families there are evil shrines and demonic altars which need to be destroyed, but you are not prepared to pray against the spirit of witches and wizards in your family and destroy the altars. You are not praying against them even if you know that they are bringing affliction to your life. You need to destroy them like king Josiah did.

King Solomon and his wives built evil altars where they worshipped idols but Josiah destroyed each and every one of those idols and their alters. Everything that had to do with witches and wizards, he destroyed.

Before you became born again you used to consult witches and wizards who gave you things to use, and you are still keeping them in your house. Today, you are professing your Christianity but you are keeping the shrines and the altars in your house. Some even go to an extent of reverting back to those idolatrous objects when things are not going good for them in their Christian lives.

So, what is God saying to you today? Before you are even going to receive the Word from God, if you know that you are carrying shrines and you are still holding on to them. It is time to get rid of them and to destroy them. If you know that you have them, you need to destroy them yourself because no one will destroy them for you. So, we are going to pray and if there is anything that you’re still carrying from your past, it is time to let go and destroy.

I say you need to pray against those altars you know and you do not know. No one can know that he or she is possessed, unless the hand of God touches him or her. Everyone is looking for blessings from God but the blessings of God cannot land in the place that is dirty. I want us to pray before the Spirit of God takes control, and ask God to destroy every altar or every spirit from our past generations that is still fighting us.

Sometimes you can be a prayerful person, but only to find that God cannot hear you because you are carrying evil objects something from the past. In 2Chronicles, the Bible says that when Josiah was young, he began to seek the face of God and worshipped Him. He removed everything that was not pleasing in the eyes of God.

Even you who are here in this service, you cannot worship God while you are carrying the heavy burdens.

That is why in Mathew 11:28, Jesus Christ said “come to me you who are heavy laden, I will give your souls rest”. So I want us to pray, and use this prayer as a weapon to destroy the altars of the past in your life.

Some of you have habits which you do not know how to break away from. You do not know that those habits originate from the shrines and the altars back where you come from, or they originate from your days when you were living a dirty life. This is the time you need to speak out and destroy the altars. Pray and ask God to remove the heart of unforgiveness and bitterness. Just as David asked God to create a new heart in him, you also need to make a prayer to God to give you a new heart which does not carry any altars.

To God be the Glory.

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