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A man of vision

Many of you are going through various difficult situations. But I want to tell you today to stand on the will of God, because the will of God will never fail you. It doesn’t matter how difficult your situation is, it doesn’t matter what the circumstances around you are, but hold on to the will of God. As a human being, you might have your own plans, but the will of God must always prevail above your plans.

Marry had her own plans of being married to Joseph, she never planned to become pregnant before she got married. But an angel of God came to her when she was engaged to Joseph and delivered the will of God. Marry had to change her plans and stand on the will of God, and at the end, she was not disappointed. Even myself, being a Man of God was not on my plans. I wanted to be a business man, but by the will of God, I’m here changing lives.

If you stand on the will of God, it will never fail you. You will only fail yourself if you disobey the will of God. For you to stand on the will of God, you need to be a man of vision. Joseph was a man of vision, he stood on the will of God until it was fulfilled in his life. Though he had many different changes, he never turned from the will of God because of the challenges.

In Genesis 37, we read about Joseph, who had a vision from a very young age. His vision came in the form of dreams, and every time he would tell his brothers the dream, they would hate him, because they did not understand the vision that he had. Even though his brothers hated him, Joseph never forsaked his vision, but he held on the vision.

When he was taking care of his father’s sheep along with his brothers, he would report to their father every wrong thing that they did. This made his father love him because he was honest. But his brothers hated him even for that. When you are a man of vision, you stand on the truth. Many of you here also have a vision just like Joseph.

But because the environment where you are does not allow you to speak your vision, or because your situation make it seems as if your vision will not be fulfilled, you end up losing that vision. Joseph never lost his vision even when he was hated. And I want to tell you today that the fact that you have a vision, does not mean you will not have challenges, but those challenges are the ones which will bring you to the fulfilment of the vision.

I want to encourage you today to hold on to your vision and to speak your vision. When Joseph spoke his vision, his brothers called him names, they said he is a dreamer. I want to tell you that when you are a man of vision, they may call you names, they may hate you they may ridicule you, not knowing that they are bringing you to the fulfilment of your vision.

Some of you here are complaining that your family and relatives hate you. Atleast they still call you from time to time. With Joseph , his brothers hated him so much that when they saw him coming to them, they planned to kill him. But because he stood on his vision, they ended up selling him instead of killing him. What they did not know is that the very same money that they sold Joseph for, was going to bring poverty into their home.

Many of you are crying because of the hatred that you are suffering, but I want to tell you, don’t hate your enemy, don’t hate your in-laws, don’t hate those that sell you, because the very same money that they sell you for, the very same money that they pay witchdoctors to harm you will bring poverty to them. Some of you wherever you go people hate you, even those that don’t know you hate you.

You get a new job and when you arrive there, instead of appreciating you they just hate you. Well let me tell you, they don’t hate you, they hate the vision that you have. you hear them say that she thinks she is better, they are not cursing you, they are prophesying. But if you don t have a vision you will not hear the prophecy, you will only hear the curse.

When Joseph’s brothers said “does he think he will be king over us?” they were prophesying. Because indeed he became king and they bowed before him. Those that are busy laughing at your vision will come and bow before you. All you have to do is stand on your vision. No matter how tough it can be stand on the vision.

When they curse you, don’t hate them, don’t curse them back, and don’t pray “back to the sender” because God will turn those curses into blessings, just as he turned the curses that Balaam said against his children into blessings in Nehemiah 15:1 into blessings. Yes sometimes it might be tough, you will feel as if you are in the heat, but I want to encourage you not to get out of the heat until the hit is turned off.

Your being in the heat will be like the cooking of “pap”. If you remove the pap from the stove too soon, it will not be strong enough, it will not be good for eating, it will only be a waste. But when the pap is well cooked and it is removed from the stove just in time, it becomes ready and mature for eating. Everyone who eats that pap will enjoy it.

When you are in the heat, your character is being developed. And when your character is well developed, you will be able to handle the fulfilment of your vision. But some of you want to get out before your character is fully developed, because you don’t understand your vision. A man of vision always takes charge even if he is pain. A Man of vision blesses the Lord in good and bad times alike, because he knows that even if the vision might tarry, it will surely come to pass.

When your vision comes to pass, everyone, including your enemies and those who were laughing at you, they will congratulate you. Just hold on to your vision.

I PROPHCY that whatever they said against your family, whatever they may have said against your parents, whatever they may have said against you, God will turn it into a blessing, in Jesus Name.

To God be the Glory.

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