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A journey to Golgotha

Today I want to talk to you about the journey to Golgotha, the journey that Jesus took on behalf of all of us. My Bible tells me that the journey started from 3am till 9am, meaning that it was a very short journey. But the process that Jesus had to go through in order to get to Golgotha, made the 3 hour journey to feel like a very long journey. The heavy cross that He was carrying, the crown of thorns on His head and the beatings, they made the journey unbearable.

But the prophecy that said He will save the whole world had to come to pass. In order for the prophecy to come to pass He had to go through pain and shame. The Bible says He even cried, and said “ Lord, if it’s possible let this cup pass”. This means that He also did not want to go through that pain, but because He obeyed God and He loved you and me so much, He endured and persevered.

The Bible tells us that when Jesus was at Gethsemane, He was with His loved ones, the disciples. He saw a troop of soldiers coming towards Him, and Judas was in their midst, then He knew that the hour has come for Him to be crucified. When Judas approached Him with a kiss, it was a sign for Him that the journey to Golgotha is about to begin.

Many of us have various destinations to get to, and in order to get there, there is a process that we must go through. There is a tunnel to go through, and God in His faithfulness, will give us signs when the time to go through the tunnel comes. Those signs are to remind us that no matter how dark and scary the tunnel will be, God will be waiting for us at the end of the tunnel. Waiting to fulfil His promises to us. Even as we go through the tunnel, we do not go alone, but His angels are there to usher us through the tunnel.

The Bible says they arrested Him, and took Him from one court to another, struggling to find the crime that they could charge Him with. Even the wisest man, king Herold refused to be involved in the crucifixion of Jesus. He washed his hands. It’s like many of you, sometimes you are accused of things that you don’t know. Sometimes false witnesses rise against you, even then, there are people who will wash their hands, and refuse to be involved in your affliction.

Some of you have received prophecies that you are about to reach your breakthrough, but the situation around you makes it seem impossible for you to reach breakthrough. This is why when some people testify they say “when I received the prophecy, I thought the Man of God didn’t see right” because the situation was not allowing breakthrough, but one thing is that prophecy always comes to pass, God will make a way even where there is no way.

We find the details of the journey to Golgotha in Mark 15:16 to 26. We see from this Scripture that Jesus was mocked, He was put in the worst situation of His entire life, only to get to Golgotha. I want to ask you today what is your Golgotha? What is your place of breakthrough. You need to learn from Jesus. When He was on His journey, He finished it with endurance and perseverance.

Some of you on your way to your breakthrough are facing a lot of challenges, you are being mocked and gossiped, that is your cross. Some of you abandon your cross before you get to your destination. But I want to tell you to day that there is no way that you can see your breakthrough without carrying your cross. Do not to give up, no matter how painful it is. If you give up, you are taking a step back isnstead of taking a step forward, the day that you decide to continue, you will have to start from scratch.

You need to carry your cross, you need to go through Golgotha. When you get to Golgotha, they will crucify, you, they will take you to the tomb, but in 3 days you will rise. Because the tomb could not contain Jesus it will not contain you. When they think that your career is dead, when they think that your marriage is utterly destroyed, they will see you in 3 days rising. They will see your breakthrough and they will ask how come.

In that pain and stress, go forward, because God is there and the angels are there to carry you. Some of you when you are facing challenges at work because of your boss, you want to resign, you want to give up and throw in the towel. What you do not know is that at the time that you give up, is the time when the pain is about to end and your breakthrough is about to be revealed.

When the world does not understand what you are going through and they mock you and make a fool out of you, that is when you are supposed to lift up your voice and say, “God, because you are the one who put me in this position, I will endure”. When they have written you off and you don’t even believe in yourself anymore, God’s angels are there to carry you.

The devil is out there to kill your salvation and to destroy your faith. That is when you rise. When you are risen you will go sit at the right hand of God. But for you to rise, you need to go to Golgotha, the place of death, the place where your flesh dies and your spirit is resurrected. Your flesh dies in the midst of affliction. When even your family rejects you and cast you aside, you will rise.

When you go through the trials and tribulations, just put your head up and say “I’m almost there, even if I die, I will rise, yes I will rise to die no more”. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:1& 2, you need to understand that you need to ensure your cross just as Jesus endured his cross. Jesus knew that there was a special price awaiting Him after the cross. Do not be afraid of the pain.

In Romans 5: 3 the Bible tells us to rejoice in tribulations, so that perseverance can be produced. You need to go through the sequence, 1st its trials, then perseverance and then you receive the promise. In Hebrews 10:36 we are assured that if we persevere, we will indeed receive the promise. So I’m here to urge you child of God, to carry your cross to Golgotha.

Even if its painful, rejoice knowing that you are almost there, and when you get there, you will get your breakthrough.

To God be the Glory.

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