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A true wife, A right husband

In Proverbs 18:22 the Bible tells us that “he who finds a TRUE wife, finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord”. Meaning that one might be a wife, but not a TRUE wife. Someone maybe wondering who is a TRUE wife? A TRUE wife is one that builds her home upon the Word of the Lord. She honours her husband and does not bring him shame.

In order to find a TRUE wife, a man must also be a RIGHT husband. A RIGHT husband is one that understands that he married his wife to love her and protect her no matter the changes in her body and her face. He does not abuse the wife physically, emotionally or even financially, but he supports her in all that she does.

In Proverbs 18:16, the Bible tells us that “A man’s gift [given in love or courtesy] makes room for him, And brings him before great men”, this means that a TRUE wife is God’s gift to the RIGHT husband, and she will bring the husband greatness. This is why I always say when you choose a wife, do not look at the body, but rather look at the character, because if she is beautiful and has the best body with a bad character, she will always bring you shame and reproach. You will even find it difficult to go home to her every day.

As a man, when you see someone that looks like a wife, do not rush to getting engaged to her, but rather seek God’s opinion about her. When God has spoken, then do the right thing by her family and by her. Do not delay in getting married and be engaged for too long, because when God has spoken what can a human being say?

When you see a TRUE wife but you are not financially ready, it’s better to wait than to get into an engagement that will take many years, if you are engaged for too long you end up making mistakes and falling into temptation. Remember that engagement does not permit you to start getting physically close to each other and sleeping together. If you do that, you are fornicating.

Parents must also be reasonable during lobola negotiations. Remember that lobola represents a covenant between 2 families. It is not to make money out of your daughter. If as a parent you charge an exorbitant amount for your child’s bride price, you might actually ruin her chances of marriage and lead her to end up living with a man who did not marry her.

Parents must also support the new marriage but not interfere. When challenges come, because challenges will definitely come, run to God and seek God’s opinion. Do not seek your friend or family’s opinion. Always make sure that in your marriage you get rid of the problem and not fight each other. Abraham and Sarah had a problem in their marriage. Their Problem was Hagar, the Egyptian slave who came to bear a son to Abraham

When she started causing problems in their marriage, they did not fight each other, but they got rid of Hagar. When Hagar was out of their home, Abraham and Sarah lived in peace and joy. Some of you your Hagar might not be a physical one, but it might be a spiritual issue like bareness, do not fight each other, but together fight the cause of the problem

In a marriage there are things that God approves of and things that God does not approve of. When Abraham and Sarah arranged for the Egyptian slave to bear a son for them, God had not approved, this is why she ended up giving them problems in their marriage. So if you are a TRUE wife and a RIGHT husband, make every effort to seek God’s approval in everything you do.

A TRUE wife and a RIGHT husband build their marriage on Jesus Christ the rock of all ages.

To God be the Glory.

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