Arise from your mistake
Most of us when we make mistakes we stay at the point of our mistakes, some of us think that because we have made big mistakes, we cannot move forward. But God does not reject anyone because of their mistakes, but He definitely will reject someone who does not learn and repent from their mistakes.
The Bible tells us about a man named Samson, his mother was barren, and God promised her a son, she was to name him Samson, she was also to ensure that no razor goes through his hair. Samson was a miracle child, that is why he has a special name. Every miracle that God does, it has a special name. even the miracle that God will do in your life, will have a special name.
Many of you have been born for a Divine purpose and you are armed with Divine power, but that does not mean that you will not have challenges. Just as Samson met challenges, you will also meet challenges. But God will see you through in Jesus’s name. Samson had enemies called the Philistines, and every time he fought them he overpowered them. This shows that in every situation and in every storm, God will always provide you with Divine power to overcome your enemies.
But he made a mistake of falling in love with a lady from the enemy’s camp. He fell in love with Delilah and the Philistines used her to find out the source of his strength. If the enemy knows your weak point, he will always use your weak point against you. Samson’s weak point was women, and the enemy used Delilah against him.
It’s like many of you, when God tried to hide you from your enemy, you go and invite the enemy into your life. Then the enemy gets closer and finds out your weak point to use against you. You cannot be friends with your enemy. Because when you pray, you fight them spiritually, and if you overpower them in the spirit, they will come physically. If you allow them to get close to you, you allow confusion in your life.
If Samson knew what Delilah was planning against him, he would not have allowed her to get close to him. So the problem was not the relationship, but the person he allowed close to him. With you also, the problem is not your friendship, but who you allow to be your friend. Do not allow your enemy to get close to you. They will destroy you.
In Judges 16:27 to 31 we read about a time when Samson was captured by the Philistines, they took out his eyes, and gathered in their temple to make fun of him. Then Samson realised that by telling Delilah the source of his strength, he made a mistake. But he rose up from his mistake, and prayed to God and said “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes”.
Samson could not see, because his eyes had been taken out, but he could still pray. After praying, his strength came back to him and he reached out for the 2 central pillars of the temple, he pushed them with all his strength, and the temple fell and killed all the Philistines rulers and kings. The Bible says on that day, Samson killed more Philistines than in the time that he was alive.
I don’t know what your situation is today, I don’t know what got you into that situation. Some of you are in that situation because of your own mistakes, and now you can’t even pray anymore, but I’m here to tell you to arise from that mistake. Samson rose from his mistake and prayed to God. You can also arise from your mistake, you can also pray to God, God will surely strengthen you and give you victory.
The Bible says Samson was blind and he could not see, you might also be here saying you don’t know the kind of demon that you are fighting, but God will give you strength to overpower that demon. Some of the demons you don’t have to see them with your natural eyes to conquer them, you must just fight them with prayer.
The Bible says when the temple fell down, it killed Samson and all the Philistines in it. Yes you are also in warfare child of God, and you need to reach out and push the pillars of your enemy. When you push the pillars, you attack the structure of your enemy. Just like Samson you will overpower your enemy, but in your case, you will not die, but you will live.
I don’t know what the pillar of your enemy is, I don’t know for how long it’s been there, what I know is that if you reach out and push that pillar, it will come down. Do not get tired of praying, but pray until the pillar of your enemy falls. Yes in the past you could not pray because of your mistakes or your sin, but now pray once more to God, He will answer you.
God is not bothered by your mistakes, God is interested in your repentance and your prayer. Delilah also made a mistake, she tell the Philistines the source of the strength of Samson, if she did, the Philistines would have made sure that they don’t allow Samson’s hair to grow again, but it grew and he regained his strength.
What is it that your mistake has brought upon your life? Is it disappointment? Is it failure or limitation? When you move it moves with you? When you stop it stops with you. Don’t lose courage because of your mistakes, we all make mistakes, even pastors make mistakes, all you need to do now is reach out and push the pillars of your situation.
God knows your situation, God knows you, He knows where you are going and He knows your future and He will give you strength to arrive. Jesus is here to give you strength to arise from your mistakes, when you arise from your mistake, you will overpower your enemies with one blow. When you have overpowered them, they will never rise against you. Just push their pillars.
In Jesus’s Name.