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Abide in the truth

In numbers 22, we read about Balak, the king of Moab, who summoned Balaam to come and curse the Israelites, but when Balaam tried to curse them he realised that he could not curse them because they were already blessed. In numbers 23:19 we read the response of Balaam to Balak, he says “God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change his mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfil?

Balaam could not curse the children of Israel because of the fact that God lives in the truth. When God has blessed, He cannot later change and allow a curse upon those whom He has cursed. If God lives in truth, it means that those who are His children should also live in the truth. Today many children of God are cursed because they are not living in the truth.

Many of you here are in troubles and are suffering because there is no truth in your life. You make a promise but you do not keep it. Some of you even come to the Man of God and ask for prayers, when God answers your prayer, instead of blessing the Man of God who prayed with you, you start coming up with excuses and end up leaving the church. This is why many of you came with curses from the churches that you left. I thank God those curses are broken in Jesus Name. But one thing remains, you need to abide in the truth.

In Acts 5, we also read about a man named Ananias and his wife Saphira, these two people died because they did not abide in the truth. They sold a piece of land, and instead of bringing the full amount to the Man of God, they decided to keep part of the money for themselves> they went to the Man of God, and presented part of the money. The man of God did not ask, they are the ones who just decided to present the money to the Man of God, but they added lies.

Ananias and Saphira did not die because they kept some of the money from the sale of their land, they died because they did not abide in truth. Im am sure that if they had told the Man of god the truth, they would not have died. It’s like most of you today, your careers, your marriage or even your business has died because you did not abide in the truth.

Some of you even lie unnecessarily. When no one is asking a you a question but you just lie . You find yourself telling them at your workplace that you are sick, the next thing they see your pictures on Facebook that you are on holiday, they fire you, why? Because you did not abide in the truth. It’s not like they will not allow you to take leave, you just get into trouble because you lied. Some of you tell your husband’s lies and say that you are coming to church and you go somewhere else, when he catches you, you are divorced, why? Because you did not abide in the truth. When you do not abide in the truth, your own lies will expose you.

When God called Joshua, He said “this book of the law should not depart from your mouth” in other words He meant, that Joshua must abide in the truth. Because Joshua was always in the truth, he was able to challenge God and he saw the manifestation of God’s power. This is why in Joshua10:12, Joshua was able to stop the sun and the moon until all the enemies of Israel were defeated.

When you abide in the truth, it’s easy for God to bless you. Yes, God wants to bless you exceedingly and abundantly, but the problem is that you do not abide in the truth. When you abide in the truth, you will be able to see the same amount of God’s power in the presence of your enemies like Joshua. When you abide in the truth, the truth will set you free, but when you do not abide in the truth, God will not hear your prayer, because God lives in the truth.

When you make a promise, keep that promise no matter what. Hannah, prayed to God for a son and she made a promise to God, when God gave her Samuel, she dedicated him to God, and she kept her promise. Hannah abided in the truth. When you make a promise to God, or to a Man of God, be faithful and keep your promise. When you are faithful, you will never lack. God will always provide for your needs.

When you abide in the truth, even if people accuse you falsely or speak against you, you do not defend yourself, you do not prove yourself, but you allow God to prove you. Even I was accused falsely, people spoke against me and said so many things against me, instead of opening my mouth and proving myself, I kept quiet and stood on the truth. When God proved me, those who spoke against me were shocked. Even if they can hate you, abide in the truth.

Child of God, you must abide in the truth. You must stand in the truth. When they speak against you, do not confront them. The moment you confront people, it shows that you have anger and that the truth is not with you. But when you abide in the truth, the truth will defend you. Abide in the truth even when you do business, even if that contract delays, remain in the truth.

But if you become impatient and start to do business outside of the truth, God will not lead your business. If you abide in the truth no matter what, God will not fail you, even though the situation may fail you, God will never fail you. In due time, He will bring you the mother of miracles that will open all business opportunities for you.

Do not mix yourself with people that lead you out of the truth, rather mix yourself with people that will lead you into the truth always. Never lie to cover any situation, always speak the truth. Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the TRUTH and the life. Without the truth, you cannot come to Jesus. Without the truth, you cannot have the life that Jesus gives. Abide in the truth and you will have the salvation that Jesus gives.

To God be the Glory.

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