Put God first
In Haggai 1:2-11 we read the message that God gave to His prophet, regarding the building of His Temple. At that time, the Lord’s Temple was lying in ruins but the people were building expensive houses for themselves. Because the people had neglected the building of the Temple of the Lord, disaster befell them, when they planted, they harvested less than what they planted. The people never had enough to eat or drink, their clothes could not keep them warm and their wages were stored in bags full of holes. All because they had forsaken the building of the Temple of God.
God is also speaking to us through this Scripture. God is saying to us, He knows our needs, He knows that that we need houses, we need cars and we want to be debt free, but for us to get there, we must trust in Him. We must trust Him with our finances to a point where we put Him first and to put Him above our own needs. We must trust God enough to say “although I need a house, I will first build a house for you Lord”.
This is why He says in verse 7 “but first, go to the mountain and get wood for my Temple, so I can take pride in it and be worshiped there”. Today we don’t build the Temple of God by wood, but we give what we have. Whatever you have will make a difference. At LCMN we are pledging any amount in order to contribute to building the Temple of God. When you take part in building the Temple of God, He will provide for all your needs.
Many are suffering today because they do not put God first and above their needs. Many are in debts because the Temple of God is not built. In verse 9 God says He has done this because “you hurry to build your own house while my Temple lies in ruins”. He says “ That’s also why dew doesn’t fall and your harvest fails…all your hard work will be for nothing”. Many work hard but they have nothing to show for it, all because the house of the Lord is not built.
The testimonies of those who received financial breakthrough, healing and deliverance after partaking in building the house of God, confirms the Scriptures. When you build the house of God, God will take care of ALL your needs.
Put God first. I know this God, I have tried this God and I have found Him faithful. I want to encourage you today beloved, trust this God, He is a God of prosperity, He is a God of breakthrough. He is a God of possibilities.
God wants to bless all of us, the problem with some people is that they want God to bless them but they don’t want to bless God. But the Scriptures assure us all the time that if we will bless God, He will bless us abundantly and exceedingly. The measure with which you give, shows the measure with which you surrender to God, and when you surrender all, He will take you from Glory to Glory. Today as you give, give to surrender to God, and put God above your own needs.
Blessed be His Holy Name.