Promises of God come by faith
In Luke 1, we read about a priest named Zachariah and his wife named Elizabeth. The Bible tells us that both of them were righteous in the sight of God, and observed all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly. The Bible also tells us that they were childless and very old. We all can learn from Zachariah, he never stopped serving God because he did not have a child. Zachariah, though he was a priest, he never had a testimony, but he never stopped serving because he did not have a testimony.
In verse 13, we see the angel of the Lord appearing to him and telling him that his prayer has been heard. From this we can see that all those years that Zachariah was serving God, he was praying to God for a child. He never stopped and complained that “Lord, You use me to bless others when I am not blessed”, but he served God faithfully until his prayer was answered.
Beloved, I’m here to give you a message from God, I’m here to tell you that your good works, will yield results in good time. Don’t give up and don’t stop serving God because of your situation. If Zachariah had given up, John the Baptist would not have been born. It might seem as if your good works are in vain, but God will never forget you. When God answers your prayer after many years, He will give you a break through that will bring you delight and joy.
God is here with a special message for all of you, the question is will you believe His message. The Bible tells us that when John heard the message from the angel of the Lord he never believed, because he was old and his wife was also old. And because of his unbelief, his mouth was shut and he could not speak until the baby was born.
Many of you have been praying and asking God to bring you break through, when God speaks, believe, because His promises can only be fulfilled by faith. When you believe, all of God’s promises will be yes and amen to you. Do not allow your circumstances to bring you unbelief. But trust in God no matter your situation. God will not fail you, God has never failed. This is why the Scripture says “blessed is the one who believes that the Lord will fulfil his promises to her”.
What is your situation today? How long were you in that situation? How long have you been praying and doing good? I want to tell you that your prayer has been heard. Now the question is do you believe that God’s promises for you will be fulfilled? If you do, you are blessed. Yes you are blessed when you believe. Elizabeth never stopped believing, that is why she said “the Lord has done this for me” (verse 25). Because of her faith, she even saw greater things, she received the anointing from the Lord Jesus.
In verse 41, the Bible tells us that when Mary greeted Elizabeth, the baby inside the womb of Elizabeth leaped, and then she realised that she had received favour from the Lord, just by being visited by Mary. Elizabeth acknowledged the anointing upon Mary’s life, she called her “the mother of My lord”. Although Zachariah kept praying, his unbelief set him back, but Elizabeth kept believing. Beloved, we are taught by these scripture to never give up and to always have faith. When you have faith, you will receive blessing upon blessing and you will see greater things.
To God be the Glory.