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Give to the One who conquered death

Before I get into the giving message of tonight, I just want to encourage you all who are still in the month of the Lord, the month of prayer. In this month we have agreed to dedicate ourselves to prayer and fasting, we are almost at the end of our 21 day fasting, and I want to encourage you to remain faithful. Even when it gets tough and you feel pain remain faithful. God will bless you and reward you for that faithfulness.

In this month, we take our learning from Daniel, we learn from all his good ways and from his faithfulness. Daniel never compromised his faith even when he was faced with death, he held on to prayer even when he knew that people are looking to accuse him because of the Law of his God. We learn from him so that we don’t make mistakes in our journey of faith, and so that we do not compromise our faith no matter what. I’m sure many would have renounced their God just to avoid being thrown in the Lion’s den, but Daniel didn’t.

When you are fasting, you will feel the pain of hunger, when that pain strikes, think about the greater pain of not having breakthrough. Do not fall into temptation of breaking your fast, because of the pain, and weakness of your body, because then you might be comprising your breakthrough. The bigger, the pain, the bigger the break through. It was not easy for Daniel to fast, he was also facing challenges, because people were investigating him, looking for a reason to accuse him. But he remained faithful and never compromised.

When God gives us an instruction, there is a purpose, so you need to obey the instruction even if you don’t understand it. If you have not started, go and start and finish it till the 21st day. If you have started finish. Remember to read the book of Daniel, and pray that God must release His angel, Michael, to rescues your break through from the prince of Persia that is blocking your breakthrough.

Now for the giving message of this evening, we will read from Luke 24:1 to 4. In this scripture we read about the women who woke up very early, to go to the tomb of Jesus. These women prepared spices to go anoint the body of Jesus, when they arrived at the tomb, they were wondering who was going to roll the stone away for them, when they saw that the stone had already been rolled away. Then they saw an angel who told them that Jesus is alive.

From this we learn that the women never stopped believing in Jesus the Messiah even when He was dead. This is why they went to anoint His body. Many of us, are trusting God for something, but when it looks like what we are trusting God for has died we give up. These women never stopped believing in the Messiah, that is why they took spice offering to His dead body.

The spices in this instance represents offering, I believe it was not ordinary spices, I believe that for them to want to anoint a dead body, they must have had the most expensive spices, and perfumes, to ensure that the Lord’s body does not stink. These women did not consider it a waste to offer to the body of the Lord even in death, but when they arrived, they learned that Jesus had conquered death.

I want to encourage you to give tonight, do not get tired of giving, because in due time, the stone that is blocking your breakthrough will be rolled away. When you give to Jesus, even your dead career or your dead business will rise back to life, because Jesus conquered death. The biggest victory in the history of human nature was the victory that Jesus had over death. When you give to the One who conquered death, you partake in His victory over death, and you will never see death in your finances, and in your business, and in your career.

Tonight as you give, give so that you can taste victory over death, give to the one who conquered death.


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