The Importance of Instructions
In Jonah 1:1 to 17, we read about Jonah, who ran away from the presence of the Lord, because he did not want to follow the instruction...
Give without Hesitation
In Genesis 25:22 to 23, we read about Rebekah, who was pregnant and the babies within her started fighting each other. When Rebekah...
Life comes in seasons
On Wednesday the 28 April 2015, the Man of God Senior Prophet Rodney, taught us to be patient and trust in God, for He will bless us in...
We all Need Support
On Sunday the 26th April 2015, the Man of God, Senior Prophet Rodney taught us that we all need support in everything that we do. We need...
On Sunday the 26th April, Prophetess Tebogo taught us that when we give, we need to give in truth. These are her words: In Acts 5:1 to 11...
Prophetic Message to Senior Prophet Rodney
On Wednesday the 15th April 2015, the guest Prophet at LCMN, gave a prophetic word to Senior Prophet Rodney, from one Man of God, to...
Prophetic Message to Prophetess Tebogo
On Wednesday the 15th April 2015, Prophet Vincent also gave a prophetic message to Prophetess Tebogo. These are his words: 1. Mama God...
During the Friday prayer service of 17 April 2015, the Man of God Senior Prophet Rodney taught us to pray and ask God to help us to...
Words of Wisdom
Words of Wisdom by Senior Prophet Rodney Friday 10 April 2015 1. In everything that you do, you need the appointment of God. When God...
Offering message.
Give an offering that will cause God to wipe off ALL your debts. During the Sunday service of 12 April, Prophetess Tebogo taught us to...