Soldiers of Heaven.
Sunday 06 Sept 2015 Soldiers of Heaven. Senior Prophet Rodney
In 2 Kings 6:11 to 23, we read about the king of Aram (a nation that was fighting Israel) who got very angry because all his plans to attack Israel were exposed to the Israelites. He even thought that one of his men was a spy and giving information to the king of Israel, meanwhile it was Elisha, warning the king of Israel time and time again to be on his guard, and alerting him not to go in places where the Arameans had set traps for him.
When the King of Aram realised that its Elisha who is able to see all his plans, he attacked Elisha, he got his own soldiers to surround the camp of Elisha, so that when the servant of Elisha woke up, he saw multitudes of soldiers surrounding their camp and he cried out to Elisha, but Elisha prayed to God so that the servant’s eyes can be opened, and when the eyes opened, he saw the hills covered with soldiers and chariots of fire.
Today I want to talk to you about soldiers of Heaven. All of us have soldiers, assigned to assist us in our time of need. But many are unable to command their soldiers because they don’t understand Heavenly principles and their eyes are closed. When Elisha realised that he was surrounded by his enemy he never panicked, because he could see the soldiers of Heaven. This is why he said to his servant “those who are with us, are more than those who are with them”.
Many of you today are panicking when the enemy attacks you because your eyes are not opened, you cannot see the soldiers that have been assigned to fight your battles. Your eyes must be opened so that you can see the soldiers of Heaven that aremassigned for you. They come in the form of angels. Your eyes are closed because you don’t believe. Many don’t believe in angels any more, they think that angels are in the old testament or angels no longer operate in our times.
In Psalm 91:11 the Bible tells us that “He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways, they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone”. In Luke 4: 10 the Bible still confirms to us that “ God will tell His angels to take care of you, they will catch you in their arms, you will not hurt your feet on the stones”. So why do you not believe in angels? Angels are scriptural.
Some of you also say, I have been calling on the angels of God to fight for me but they are just not coming. The question is are you living a Holy and righteous life? Angels are pure and Holy and they cannot take commands from someone who is living in sin. That is why I always tell you my children to live a life of righteousness and Holiness. I always say to you get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice (Ephesians 4:31), and get all the fruits of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22 & 23). When you live with these principles, you will have the power to command angels, and they will obey you.
In as much as satan has his own agents called demons, and witches and wizards have their own agents called Zombies, you also have angels assigned to you by God. Your angels are always with you waiting for your command. When you go into an interview, speak to your angels and say “go before me and level the interview for me” when you are being attacked at work, you speak to your angels and say “fight this battle for me”.
Your angels will also protect you. Whenever the enemy sets a trap for you, your angels will see that trap and protect you. This is why we hear people who try to attack servants of God saying they saw them surrounded by fire or walking in fire, it’s because angels use the fire of God to protect the children of God. The fact that you have angels around you does not mean that you will not feel pain, but whatever pain that the enemy throws at you, will not destroy you, because you have angels as soldiers of Heaven around you.
This is why the same attack that you survived, has destroyed some people, the same sickness you are suffering, has killed many, but because of the angels around you, you are still here. I want to encourage you today to open your eyes and see the angels around you. Open your eyes and see the protection and the power that God has given you, then you will know that you are bigger than your situation. When you know that you are bigger than your situation, you overcome.
To God be the Glory.